Translations by Hassan Nasir Mirbahar
Hassan Nasir Mirbahar has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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1722. |
If you do not go back to the partitioning menu and correct these errors, the partition will not be used at all.
2012-03-24 |
جيڪڏهن توهان واپس وڃي غلطين کي درست نه ڪيون ته پارٽيشن کي استعمال نه ڪيو ويندو
1723. |
The u-boot file system creation in partition #${PARTITION} of ${DEVICE} failed.
2012-03-24 |
يو بوٽ فائل سسٽم پارٽيشن ۾ #${PARTITION} جي ${DEVICE} ٺهي نه سگھي
1725. |
2012-03-24 |
يو بوٽ