Translations by maney
maney has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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108. |
. Arabic
2007-05-09 |
. 아라비아어
110. |
# Cyrillic - KOI8-R and KOI8-U
2007-05-09 |
# 키릴어 - KOI8-R 과 KOI-U
112. |
# Cyrillic - Slavic languages (also Bosnian and Serbian Latin)
2007-05-09 |
# 키릴어 - 슬라비아어 (보스니아어, 세르비아 라틴어 포함)
113. |
. Ethiopic
2007-05-09 |
. 에티오피아어
115. |
# Greek
2007-05-09 |
# 그리스어