Translations by Jihui Choi
Jihui Choi has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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129. |
If you don't use a framebuffer, the choices that start with "." will reduce the number of available colors on the console.
2009-04-17 |
프레임버퍼를 사용하지 않는다면, "."로 시작하는 것을 선택하여 콘솔에서 쓸 수 있는 색상수를 줄일 수 있습니다.
167. |
Alt+Caps Lock
2009-01-20 |
<Alt>+<Caps Lock>
168. |
Left Control+Left Shift
2009-01-20 |
왼쪽 <Control>+왼쪽 <Shift>
173. |
Scroll Lock key
2009-01-20 |
<Scroll Lock> 키
181. |
Method for temporarily toggling between national and Latin input:
2009-04-17 |
임시로 국제어와 라틴 입력을 변환하는 방법
186. |
Keypad Enter key
2009-01-20 |
키패드 <Enter> 키
187. |
Both Alt keys
2009-01-20 |
양쪽 <Alt> 키
1133. |
How do you want to manage upgrades on this system?
2009-04-17 |
어떤 방식으로 업데이트를 관리하기 원하십니까?