Translations by hulryung
hulryung has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
1 → 27 of 27 results | First • Previous • Next • Last |
114. |
# Georgian
2007-03-17 |
# Georgian
2007-03-17 |
# Georgian
116. |
# Hebrew
2007-03-17 |
# Hebrew
2007-03-17 |
# Hebrew
117. |
# Lao
2007-03-17 |
# Lao
2007-03-17 |
# Lao
120. |
# Latin3 and Latin8 - Chichewa; Esperanto; Irish; Maltese and Welsh
2007-03-17 |
# Latin3 and Latin8 - Chichewa; Esperanto; Irish; Maltese and Welsh
121. |
# Latin7 - Lithuanian; Latvian; Maori and Marshallese
2007-03-17 |
# Latin7 - Lithuanian; Latvian; Maori and Marshallese
123. |
# Thai
2007-03-17 |
# Thai
2007-03-17 |
# Thai
124. |
. Combined - Latin; Slavic Cyrillic; Hebrew; basic Arabic
2007-03-17 |
. Combined - Latin; Slavic Cyrillic; Hebrew; basic Arabic
125. |
. Combined - Latin; Slavic Cyrillic; Greek
2007-03-17 |
. Combined - Latin; Slavic Cyrillic; Greek
126. |
. Combined - Latin; Slavic and non-Slavic Cyrillic
2007-03-17 |
. Combined - Latin; Slavic and non-Slavic Cyrillic
158. |
Caps Lock
2007-03-17 |
Caps Lock
160. |
Right Control
2007-03-17 |
오른쪽 Control
161. |
Right Shift
2007-03-17 |
오른쪽 Shift
162. |
Right Logo key
2007-03-17 |
오른쪽 로고 키
163. |
Menu key
2007-03-17 |
메뉴 키
164. |
2007-03-17 |
165. |
2007-03-17 |
166. |
2007-03-17 |
169. |
Left Alt
2007-03-17 |
왼쪽 Alt
170. |
Left Control
2007-03-17 |
왼쪽 Control
171. |
Left Shift
2007-03-17 |
왼쪽 Shift
172. |
Left Logo key
2007-03-17 |
왼쪽 Logo 키
180. |
Both Logo keys
2007-03-17 |
양쪽 Logo 키
573. |
Failed to create enough space for installation
2007-03-17 |
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