Translations by Fredrik Sudmann
Fredrik Sudmann has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
1 → 10 of 10 results | First • Previous • Next • Last |
5. |
Invalid domain name
2010-04-25 |
Ugyldig domenenavn
21. |
Access denied
2010-04-25 |
Ingen tilgang
24. |
Daemon connection failed
2010-04-25 |
Kunne ikkje kopla til tenesta
27. |
Daemon not running
2010-04-25 |
Tenesten køyrer ikke
30. |
Invalid flags
2010-04-25 |
Ugyldige flag
31. |
Not found
2010-04-25 |
Ikkje funnen
35. |
Invalid packet
2010-04-25 |
Ugyldeg pakke
48. |
Invalid DNS type
2010-04-25 |
Ugyldig DNS-type
49. |
Invalid DNS class
2010-04-25 |
Ugyldig DNS-klasse
87. |
Avahi client failure: %s
2010-04-25 |
Feil i avahiklient: %s