List keys of trusted vendors
Vis godkjente utgivere
Translated and reviewed by
Kjetil Birkeland Moe
Suggestions: |
Vis nøklane til godkjende utgjevarar
Norwegian Nynorsk
aptdaemon in Ubuntu Mantic package "aptdaemon"
Andreas N.
Located in
To view the list of trusted keys, you need to authenticate.
Du må autentisere deg for å vise godkjente nøkler.
Translated and reviewed by
Kjetil Birkeland Moe
Suggestions: |
Du må autentisera deg for å visa godkjende nøklar.
Norwegian Nynorsk
aptdaemon in Ubuntu Mantic package "aptdaemon"
Andreas N.
Located in
Remove downloaded package files
Fjern nedlastede pakkefiler
Translated and reviewed by
Kjetil Birkeland Moe
Suggestions: |
Fjern nedlasta pakkefiler
Norwegian Nynorsk
aptdaemon in Ubuntu Mantic package "aptdaemon"
Andreas N.
Located in
../data/org.debian.apt.policy.in.h:3 ../aptdaemon/console.py:619
To clean downloaded package files, you need to authenticate.
Du må autentisere deg for å rydde opp i nedlastede pakkefiler.
Translated and reviewed by
Kjetil Birkeland Moe
Suggestions: |
Du må autentisera deg for å rydda opp i nedlasta pakkefiler.
Norwegian Nynorsk
aptdaemon in Ubuntu Mantic package "aptdaemon"
Andreas N.
Located in
Change software configuration
Endre programvareoppsett
Translated and reviewed by
Kjetil Birkeland Moe
Suggestions: |
Endra programvareinnstillingane
Norwegian Nynorsk
aptdaemon in Ubuntu Mantic package "aptdaemon"
Andreas N.
Located in
To change software settings, you need to authenticate.
Du må autentisere deg for å endre programvareinnstillinger.
Translated and reviewed by
Kjetil Birkeland Moe
Suggestions: |
Du må autentisera deg for å endra programvareinnstillingar.
Norwegian Nynorsk
aptdaemon in Ubuntu Mantic package "aptdaemon"
Andreas N.
Located in
Change software repository
Endre programvarearkiv
Translated and reviewed by
Kjetil Birkeland Moe
Suggestions: |
Endra programvarearkiv
Norwegian Nynorsk
aptdaemon in Ubuntu Mantic package "aptdaemon"
Andreas N.
Located in
To change software repository settings, you need to authenticate.
Du må autentisere deg for å endre innstillinger for programvarearkiver.
Translated and reviewed by
Kjetil Birkeland Moe
Suggestions: |
Du må autentisera deg for å endra innstillingar for programvarearkiv.
Norwegian Nynorsk
aptdaemon in Ubuntu Mantic package "aptdaemon"
Andreas N.
Located in
Install package file
Installer pakkefil
Translated and reviewed by
Kjetil Birkeland Moe
Located in
To install this package, you need to authenticate.
Du må autentisere deg for å installere denne pakka.
Translated by
Åka Sikrom
Reviewed by
Åka Sikrom
In upstream: |
For å installere denne pakken må du autentisere deg.
Suggested by
Kjetil Birkeland Moe
Suggestions: |
Du må autentisera deg for å installera denne pakken.
Norwegian Nynorsk
aptdaemon in Ubuntu Mantic package "aptdaemon"
Andreas N.
Located in