Click and drag on a ruler to place a guide on an image. All dragged selections will snap to the guides. You can remove guides by dragging them off the image with the Move tool.
Kliknite i povlačite po ravnalu kako bi smjestili vodič na slici. Svi povučeni odabiri će biti privučeni prema vodčima. Vodiče možete ukloniti tako da ih povučete sa slike s alatom za pomicanje (move).
Translated by
Robert Sedak
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You can drag a layer from the Layers dialog and drop it onto the toolbox. This will create a new image containing only that layer.
Možete povući sloj iz dijaloga Slojevi i spustiti ga na paletu alata. Na taj način će se napraviti nova slika koja sadrži samo taj sloj.
Translated by
Robert Sedak
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A floating selection must be anchored to a new layer or to the last active layer before doing other operations on the image. Click on the "New Layer" or the "Anchor Layer" button in the Layers dialog, or use the menus to do the same.
Plutajući (floating) odabir mora biti usidren na novi sloj ili na zadnji aktivni sloj prije izvođenja bilo koje druge radnje na slici. Kliknite na "Novi sloj"ili "Usidri tipke sloja" u dijalogu slojeva, ili koristite izbornike za istu radnju.
Translated by
Robert Sedak
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GIMP supports gzip compression on the fly. Just add <tt>.gz</tt> (or <tt>.bz2</tt>, if you have bzip2 installed) to the filename and your image will be saved compressed. Of course loading compressed images works too.
GIMP podržava gzip sažimanje tijekom rada. Jednostavno dodajte nastavak <tt>.gz</tt> (ili <tt>.bz2</tt>, ako imate instaliranu podršku za bzip2) nazivu datoteke i vaša slika će biti spremljena i sažeta. Naravno, učitavanje sažetih slika tijekom rada isto.
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Robert Sedak
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Pressing and holding the <tt>Shift</tt> key before making a selection allows you to add to the current selection instead of replacing it. Using <tt>Ctrl</tt> before making a selection subtracts from the current one.
Pritisnite i držite tipku <tt>Shift</tt> prije odabira kako bi mogli dodati novi već postojećem odabiru, umjesto da ga zamijenite novim. Koristite <tt>Ctrl</tt> prije odabira izdvajanja iz trenutnog.
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Robert Sedak
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You can draw simple squares or circles using Edit→Stroke Selection. It strokes the edge of your current selection. More complex shapes can be drawn using the Path tool or with Filters→Render→Gfig.
Upotrebom Uredi-→Stroke Selection možete crtati jednostavne kvadrate i krugove. Ovo iscrtava ruba trenutnog odabira. Složeniji oblici se mogu crtati pomoću alata za putanje ili Filteri→Render→Gfig.
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Robert Sedak
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If you stroke a path (Edit→Stroke Path), the paint tools can be used with their current settings. You can use the Paintbrush in gradient mode or even the Eraser or the Smudge tool.
Ako crtaš po stazi (Uredi→Crtaj po stazi) mogu se koristiti alati za bojenje s njihovim trenutačnim postavkama. Možeš koristiti kist s bojom u modusu gradijenta ili čak i gumicu ili alat za razmazivanje.
Translated by
Milo Ivir
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You can create and edit complex selections using the Path tool. The Paths dialog allows you to work on multiple paths and to convert them to selections.
Možete napraviti i uređivati složene odabire pomoću alata za putanje. Dijalog za putanje dozvoljava rad s više putanja i pretvaranje istih u odabire.
Translated by
Robert Sedak
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You can use the paint tools to change the selection. Click on the "Quick Mask" button at the bottom left of an image window. Change your selection by painting in the image and click on the button again to convert it back to a normal selection.
Možete koristiti alate za bojenje za promjenu odabira. Kliknite na tipku "Brza maska" na donjem lijevom dijelu prozora za prikaz slike. Promijenite svoj odabir bojenjem po slici i ponovo kliknite na tipku da bi se maska pretvorila natrag u običan odabir.
Translated by
Robert Sedak
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You can save a selection to a channel (Select→Save to Channel) and then modify this channel with any paint tools. Using the buttons in the Channels dialog, you can toggle the visibility of this new channel or convert it to a selection.
Možete spremiti odabir u kanal (Odabiri→Save to Channel) i potom mijenjati taj kanal bilo kojim alatom za bojenje. Korištenjem tipki u Kanali dijalogu, možete odrediti vidljivost tog novog kanala ili ga pretvoriti u odabir.
Translated by
Robert Sedak
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