Details for Malayalam translation
Translation file details
- Malayalam
Anivar Aravind
Distribution: Ubuntu
Series: lunar
Source package:
Translation group:
Ubuntu Translators
Translation policy: Restricted
Plural forms: 2
Plural expression:
n != 1
Related pages
Messages: 118Translated: 85 (72.03389830508475%)
Untranslated: 33 (27.966101694915253%)
Shared between Ubuntu and upstream: 58 (49.152542372881356%)
Translated differently between Ubuntu and upstream: 17 (14.40677966101695%)
Only translated on this side: 10 (8.47457627118644%)
Latest contributor:
ST Alfas
Contributors to this translation
The following people have made some contribution to this specific translation:
- Abhijith. R (filter)
- Anish A (filter)
- Anivar Aravind (filter)
- Arun Mohan (filter)
- Binil (filter)
- Binu N Kavumkal (filter)
- Deepu G Nair (filter)
- Gouthamlal (filter)
- Jipson Jacob (filter)
- Junaid P V (filter)
- Mohammed Sadiq (filter)
- NBK (filter)
- Naseef (filter)
- Rajesh (filter)
- Rino Tom Thomas (filter)
- ST Alfas (filter)
- Sanu (filter)
- Subin Sebastian (filter)
- Vineeth Kartha (filter)
- aditya (filter)
- arisepeter (filter)
- irfannaseef (filter)
- muhammed ashiq (filter)
- syamkumar (filter)
- thej ranjan (filter)
- പ്രിന്സ് പോള് (filter)