Translations by Mikko Piippo

Mikko Piippo has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

11 of 1 result
<application>PlanetPenguin Racer</application> is a fork created from the last GPL-licenced version of <emphasis>Tux Racer</emphasis>. In addition to the levels from the original game, <application>PlanetPenguin Racer</application> also includes additional levels which have been developed by the community. The object of the game is to slide down the mountain, collecting fish as you go, and trying to reach the finish line in the shortest amount of time.
<application>PlanetPenguin Racer</application> perustuu <emphasis>Tux Racer</emphasis>-pelin viimeiseen GPL-lisensoituun versioon. Alkuperäisen pelin tasoja on täydennetty uusilla yhteisön kehittämillä tasoilla. Pelissä sinun pitää laskea alas vuoren rinnettä, kerätä kaloja ja päästää maaliin määräajassa.