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514 of 32 results
Credits and License
Heiður og leyfi
Translated and reviewed by Jóhann Sigurðsson
Located in administrative/C/administrative.xml:3(title)
This document is maintained by the Ubuntu documentation team ( For a list of contributors, see the <ulink url="../../libs/C/contributors.xml">contributors page</ulink>
Þetta skjal var gert af skjölunarverkefni Ubuntu ( Til að sjá lista af þeim sem stóðu að þessu má sjá <ulink url="../../libs/C/contributors.xml">listann yfir aðstandendur</ulink>
Translated and reviewed by Baldur
Located in administrative/C/administrative.xml:4(para)
This document is made available under the Creative Commons ShareAlike 2.5 License (CC-BY-SA).
Þetta skjal er gefið út undir Creative Commons ShareAlike 2.5 License (CC-BY-SA) skilmálunum.
Translated and reviewed by Jóhann Sigurðsson
Located in administrative/C/administrative.xml:5(para)
You are free to modify, extend, and improve the Ubuntu documentation source code under the terms of this license. All derivative works must be released under this license.
Þér er frjálst að breyta, bæta og lagfæra kóðann á bakvið skjölun Ubuntu undir þessum skilmálum. Öll afleidd verkefni skulu vera gefin út undir þessum sömu skilmálum.
Translated and reviewed by Jóhann Sigurðsson
Located in administrative/C/administrative.xml:6(para)
This documentation is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AS DESCRIBED IN THE DISCLAIMER.
Þessu skjali er dreyft með það í huga að það komi að góðum notum en ÁN ALLRAR ÁBYRGÐAR; jafnvel án þeirrar ábyrgðar sem fólgin er í SELJANLEIKA eða HÆFNI TIL AÐ GEGNA ÁKVEÐNU HLUTVERKI EINS OG SKÝRT ER Í FYRIRVARA.
Translated and reviewed by Jóhann Sigurðsson
Located in administrative/C/administrative.xml:8(para)
A copy of the license is available here: <ulink url="/usr/share/ubuntu-docs/libs/C/ccbysa.xml">Creative Commons ShareAlike License</ulink>.
Hægt er að sjá afrit af leyfinu hér: <ulink url="/usr/share/ubuntu-docs/libs/C/ccbysa.xml">Creative Commons ShareAlike leyfið</ulink>.
Translated and reviewed by Baldur
Located in administrative/C/administrative.xml:11(para)
Translated and reviewed by Baldur
Located in administrative/C/administrative.xml:14(year)
Ubuntu Documentation Project
Skjölunarverkefni Ubuntu
Translated and reviewed by Gling Gling
Located in administrative/C/administrative.xml:15(ulink)
Canonical Ltd. and members of the <placeholder-1/>
Canonical Ltd. og meðlimir <placeholder-1/>
Translated and reviewed by Gling Gling
Located in administrative/C/administrative.xml:15(holder)
The Ubuntu Documentation Project
Skjölunarverkefni Ubuntu
Translated and reviewed by Jóhann Sigurðsson
Located in administrative/C/administrative.xml:18(publishername)
514 of 32 results

This translation is managed by Íslenska UBUNTU þýðingarteymið - Icelandic Translators, assigned by Ubuntu Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: Baldur, Gling Gling, Jóhann Sigurðsson, Tryggvi Björgvinsson.