In this page you need to describe how much do you know about the desktop and the application state before it crashed.
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På denne side skal du beskrive hvor meget du ved om skrivebordsmiljøets og programmets tilstand før det brød sammen.
Translated by
Martin Schlander
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If you can, describe in as much detail as possible the crash circumstances, and what you were doing when the application crashed (this information is going to be requested later.) You can mention:
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represents a space character.
Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
Hvis du kan så beskriv, så detaljeret som muligt, omstændighederne omkring sammenbruddet og hvad du lavede da programmet brød sammen (der vil blive bedt om denne information senere.) Du kan nævne:
Translated by
Martin Schlander
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actions you were taking inside or outside the application
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@info/rich crash situation example
handlinger du foretog i og udenfor programmet
Translated by
Martin Schlander
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documents or images that you were using and their type/format (later if you go to look at the report in the bug tracking system, you can attach a file to the report)
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@info/rich crash situation example
dokumenter eller billeder du brugte og deres type/format (senere kan du vedlægge en fil til rapporten, hvis du kigger på rapporten i fejlrapporteringssystemet)
Translated by
Martin Schlander
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widgets that you were running
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@info/rich crash situation example
widgets som du havde kørende
Translated by
Martin Schlander
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the URL of a web site you were browsing
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@info/rich crash situation example
URL på en webside du besøgte
Translated by
Martin Schlander
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configuration details of the application
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@info/rich crash situation example
Konfigurationsdetaljer for programmet
Translated by
Martin Schlander
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or other strange things you notice before or after the crash.
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@info/rich crash situation example
represents a space character.
Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
eller andre ejendommelige ting du bemærkede før eller efter sammenbruddet.
Translated by
Martin Schlander
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Screenshots can be very helpful sometimes. You can attach them to the bug report after it is posted to the bug tracking system.
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Skærmbilleder kan være nyttige nogle gange. Du kan vedhæfte dem til fejlrapporten efter den er blevet indsendt til fejlrapporteringssystemet.
Translated by
Martin Schlander
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Crash Information (backtrace)
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Sammenbrudsinformation (backtrace)
Translated by
Martin Schlander
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