Thank you for choosing Ubuntu 9.10.
Gràcies per triar l'Ubuntu 9.10.
Translated by
Joan Duran
Reviewed by
Siegfried Gevatter
Located in
We believe that every computer user should be able to work in the environment of their choice and be free to download, change, study and share this software for any purpose, without paying licensing fees.
Creiem que tot usuari ha de poder treballar a l'entorn que hagi triat i ser lliure de baixar, modificar, estudiar i compartir aquest programari per a qualsevol propòsit, sense pagar llicències.
Translated by
Siegfried Gevatter
Reviewed by
Joan Duran
Located in
As part of our promise, we want Ubuntu to work as well for you as possible. So, while it installs, this slideshow will give you a quick introduction.
Com a part de la nostra promesa, volem que l'Ubuntu us funcioni tant bé com sigui possible. Per això, mentre s'instal·la, aquesta presentació us farà una ràpida introducció.
Translated by
Joan Duran
Reviewed by
Siegfried Gevatter
Located in
Ubuntu is designed to be easy. Feel free to explore!
L'Ubuntu està dissenyat per a ser fàcil. No dubteu en explorar-lo!
Translated by
Siegfried Gevatter
Reviewed by
Joan Duran
Located in