Control your digital life with Evolution
Upravljajte svojim digitalnim životom programom Evolution
Translated and reviewed by
Samir Ribić
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<em>Evolution</em> is the fully-featured email and calendar software that comes with Ubuntu. It connects to most email services, for example Gmail and Yahoo.
<em>Evolution</em> je program za elektronsku poštu i kalendar koji dolazi s Ubuntu. Povezuje se s većinom servisa za elektronsku poštu, na primjer Gmail i Yahoo.
Translated and reviewed by
Samir Ribić
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Advanced junk filtering and search tools make managing your mail a breeze.
Napredni filteri za nepotrebne poruke i alati za čišćenje čine upravljanje vašom poštom jednostavnim.
Translated and reviewed by
Samir Ribić
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Add your favorite Web calendars to see upcoming games or movie releases. To see your daily schedule, just click the clock at the top of your screen.
Dodajte omiljeni Internet kalendar da vidite datume izlazaka budućih igara ili filmova. Da vidite dnevni raspored, samo kliknite na vrh ekrana.
Translated and reviewed by
Samir Ribić
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