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110 of 22 results
<h1>KDE Performance</h1> You can configure settings that improve KDE performance here.
<h1>KDEren errendimendua</h1> KDEren errendimendua hobe dezaketen ezarpenak konfigura ditzakezu hemen.
Translated and reviewed by marcos
Located in kcmperformance.cpp:48
Translated and reviewed by marcos
Located in kcmperformance.cpp:55
Translated and reviewed by marcos
Located in kcmperformance.cpp:58
<h1>Konqueror Performance</h1> You can configure several settings that improve Konqueror performance here. These include options for reusing already running instances and for keeping instances preloaded.
<h1>Konqueror-en errendimendua</h1> Konqueror-en errendimendua hobe dezaketen zenbait ezarpen konfigura ditzakezu hemen, dagoeneko abian dauden instantziak berriz erabiltzeko eta instantziak aurretiaz kargatzeko aukerak barne daudelarik.
Translated by Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio
Located in kcmperformance.cpp:83
Disables the minimization of memory usage and allows you to make each browsing activity independent from the others
Memoria erabileraren minimizazioa desgaitzen du, eta arakatze iharduera bakoitza besteengandik banatzen utziko dizu.
Translated and reviewed by marcos
Located in konqueror.cpp:35
<p>With this option activated, only one instance of Konqueror used for file browsing will exist in the memory of your computer at any moment, no matter how many file browsing windows you open, thus reducing resource requirements.</p><p>Be aware that this also means that, if something goes wrong, all your file browsing windows will be closed simultaneously</p>
<p>Aukera hau aktibatuz gero, betiere Konqueror-en instantzia bakarra egongo da ordenagailuaren memorian fitxategiak arakatzeko, berdin diolarik zenbat fitxategi-arakatze leiho daukazun irekita, modu horretan baliabideak aurreztuz. </p><p>Kontuan izan honen ondorioz zera gerta daitekeela: zerbait txarto balebil, fitxategi-arakatzailearen leiho guztiak batera itxiko liratekeela.</p>
Translated by Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio
Located in konqueror.cpp:38
<p>With this option activated, only one instance of Konqueror will exist in the memory of your computer at any moment, no matter how many browsing windows you open, thus reducing resource requirements.</p><p>Be aware that this also means that, if something goes wrong, all your browsing windows will be closed simultaneously.</p>
<p>Aukera hau aktibatuz gero, betiere Konqueror-en instantzia bakarra egongo da ordenagailuaren memorian, berdin diolarik zenbat arakatze leiho ireki duzun, era horretan baliabideak aurreztuz. </p><p>Kontuan izan honen ondorioz zera gerta daitekeela: zerbait txarto balebil, arakatzailearen leiho guztiak batera itxiko liratekeela.</p>
Translated by Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio
Located in konqueror.cpp:46
<p>If non-zero, this option allows keeping Konqueror instances in memory after all their windows have been closed, up to the number specified in this option.</p><p>When a new Konqueror instance is needed, one of these preloaded instances will be reused instead, improving responsiveness at the expense of the memory required by the preloaded instances.</p>
<p>Zero ez baldin bada, aukera honen bitartez, leiho guztiak itxi ostean zenbakiaz adierazten den Konqueror-en instantzia kopurua gorde daiteke memorian. </p><p>Konqueror-en instantzia berria behar denean, aurrez kargatutako instantzia hauetariko bat erabiliko da sistemaren erantzuna hobetuz, betiere instantzia hauek gordetzeko behar den memoriaren lepotik.</p>
Translated by Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio
Located in konqueror.cpp:58
<p>If enabled, an instance of Konqueror will be preloaded after the ordinary KDE startup sequence.</p><p>This will make the first Konqueror window open faster, but at the expense of longer KDE startup times (but you will be able to work while it is loading, so you may not even notice that it is taking longer).</p>
<p>Gaituta badago, Konqueror-en instantzia bat kargatuko da KDEren abiatze sekuentzia arruntaren ostean.</p><p> Honen bitartez Konqueror-en lehen leihoa bizkorrago irekiko da, baina KDEren abiatze denbora luzeagoaren lepotik (nahiz eta kargatzen ari den bitartean lan egin dezakezun; beraz, ez zara ohartuko luzaroagoan ari dela).</p>
Translated by Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio
Located in konqueror.cpp:67
<p>If enabled, KDE will always try to have one preloaded Konqueror instance ready; preloading a new instance in the background whenever there is not one available, so that windows will always open quickly.</p><p><b>Warning:</b> In some cases, it is actually possible that this will reduce perceived performance.</p>
<p>Gaituta badago, KDE beti ahaleginduko da aurrez kargatutako Konqueror-en instantzia bat prest edukitzen, behar den guztietan atzeko planoan instantzia berria kargatuz; hori dela eta, leihoak beti irekiko dira bizkor. </p><p><b>Abisua:</b> zenbaitetan errendimenduaren murrizketa gerta liteke.</p>
Translated by Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio
Located in konqueror.cpp:73
110 of 22 results

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Contributors to this translation: Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio, marcos.