The Ubuntu Documentation Project
Raktres Teuliaouiñ Ubuntu
Translated and reviewed by
Jérémy Le Floc'h
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This section is an introduction to Ubuntu. It explains the Ubuntu philosophy and roots, gives information about how to contribute to Ubuntu, and shows how to get help with Ubuntu.
Ur pennad-digoriñ da Ubuntu eo al lodenn-mañ. Displegañ a ra prederouriezh hag orin Ubuntu, kelaouiñ a ra deoc'h penaos sikour da Ubuntu ha penaos kaout un tamm skoazell gant Ubuntu.
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Jérémy Le Floc'h
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Ubuntu Logo
Logo Ubuntu
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Jérémy Le Floc'h
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Thank you for your interest in Ubuntu 9.04 - the <emphasis>Jaunty Jackalope</emphasis> - released in April 2009.
Trugarez evit hoc'h dudi gant Ubuntu 9.04 - <emphasis>Jaunty Jackalope</emphasis> - er-maez e miz ebrel 2009.
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Ubuntu will always be free of charge, and there is no extra fee for the "enterprise edition"; we make our very best work available to everyone on the same Free terms.
Ubuntu a vo digoust atav ha n'eus ket karg ouzhpenn evit ar stumm labourerezh; reiñ a reomp ar muiañ labour ganeoc'h evit an holl, dindan memes termoù: Frank.
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Ubuntu includes the very best in translations and accessibility infrastructure that the free software community has to offer, to make Ubuntu usable for as many people as possible.
Troidigezhioù ha programmoù haezadusted eus ar c'hentañ a c'hall ar gevredigezh meziantoù frank kinnig deoc'h zo en Ubuntu, evit ma vez implijet Ubuntu gant ar muiañ a dud posubl.
Translated and reviewed by
Jérémy Le Floc'h
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Ubuntu is released regularly and predictably; a new release is made every six months. You can use the current stable release or the current development release. Each release is supported for at least 18 months.
Stummoù Ubuntu zo embannet en un doare diaweledus: ur stumm nevez a zo embannet bep c'hwec'h miz. Gallout a rit implijout ar stumm stabil pe ar stumm war ar stern. Trezalc'h pep stumm a bad 18 miz d'an nebeutañ.
Translated and reviewed by
Jérémy Le Floc'h
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Ubuntu is entirely committed to the principles of open source software development; we encourage people to use open source software, improve it and pass it on.
Spegañ a ra Ubuntu penn da benn gant pennreolennoù diorroadur meziantoù frank: kalonekaat a reomp deoc'h implij meziantoù frank, kemer e parzh gwelladur hag o skignadur.
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Ubuntu is an entirely open source operating system built around the <emphasis>Linux</emphasis> kernel. The Ubuntu community is built around the ideals enshrined in the <ulink url="http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/philosophy">Ubuntu Philosophy</ulink>: that software should be available free of charge, that software tools should be usable by people in their local language and despite any disabilities, and that people should have the freedom to customize and alter their software in whatever way they see fit. For those reasons: <placeholder-1/>
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Find out more at <ulink url="http://www.ubuntu.com">the Ubuntu website</ulink>.
Evit gouzout hiroc'h : <ulink url="http://www.ubuntu.com">al lec'hienn Genrouedad Ubuntu</ulink>; kit da deurel ur sell ivez war <ulink url="http://brenux.tuxfamily.org/">al lec'hienn Genrouedad Brenux</ulink>.
Translated and reviewed by
Jérémy Le Floc'h
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