Translations by Janne Solanpää

Janne Solanpää has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

11 of 1 result
<application>KWin4</application>, or <emphasis>Four wins</emphasis>, is a two player game which follows the rules of the famous <trademark>Connect Four</trademark> game where you have to align four pieces of the same color to win.
<application>KWin4</application>, tai <emphasis>Four wins</emphasis>, on kaksinpeli, joka noudattaa tunnetun <trademark>Neljän Suora</trademark> -pelin sääntöjä. Pelaaja, joka saa neljä saman väristä nappulaa asetettua suoralle, voittaa.