<p>If enabled, all RAW files will be decoded in 16-bit color depth using a linear gamma curve. To prevent dark picture rendering in the editor, it is recommended to use Color Management in this mode.<p>If disabled, all RAW files will be decoded in 8-bit color depth with a BT.709 gamma curve and a 99th-percentile white point. This mode is faster than 16-bit decoding.
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Interpolate RGB as four colors
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<p><b>Interpolate RGB as four colors</b><p>The default is to assume that all green pixels are the same. If even-row green pixels are more sensitive to ultraviolet light than odd-row this difference causes a mesh pattern in the output; using this option solves this problem with minimal loss of detail.<p>To resume, this option blurs the image a little, but it eliminates false 2x2 mesh patterns with VNG quality method or mazes with AHD quality method.
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Do not stretch or rotate pixels
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<p><b>Do not stretch or rotate pixels</b><p>For Fuji Super CCD cameras, show the image tilted 45 degrees. For cameras with non-square pixels, do not stretch the image to its correct aspect ratio. In any case, this option guarantees that each output pixel corresponds to one RAW pixel.<p>
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<p><b>Quality (interpolation)</b><p>Select here the demosaicing RAW images decoding interpolation method. A demosaicing algorithm is a digital image process used to interpolate a complete image from the partial raw data received from the color-filtered image sensor internal to many digital cameras in form of a matrix of colored pixels. Also known as CFA interpolation or color reconstruction, another common spelling is demosaicing. There are 4 methods to demosaicing RAW images:<p><b>Bilinear</b>: use high-speed but low-quality bilinear interpolation (default - for slow computer). In this method, the red value of a non-red pixel is computed as the average of the adjacent red pixels, and similar for blue and green.<p><b>VNG</b>: use Variable Number of Gradients interpolation. This method computes gradients near the pixel of interest and uses the lower gradients (representing smoother and more similar parts of the image) to make an estimate.<p><b>PPG</b>: use Patterned Pixel Grouping interpolation. Pixel Grouping uses assumptions about natural scenery in making estimates. It has fewer color artifacts on natural images than the Variable Number of Gradients method.<p><b>AHD</b>: use Adaptive Homogeneity-Directed interpolation. This method selects the direction of interpolation so as to maximize a homogeneity metric, thus typically minimizing color artifacts.<p>
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<p><b>Median Filter</b><p>Set here the passes used by median filter applied after interpolation to Red-Green and Blue-Green channels.
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<p><b>White Balance</b><p>Configure the raw white balance :<p><b>Default D65</b>: Use a standard daylight D65 white balance (dcraw defaults)<p><b>Camera</b>: Use the white balance specified by the camera. If not available, reverts to default neutral white balance<p><b>Automatic</b>: Calculates an automatic white balance averaging the entire image<p><b>Manual</b>: Set a custom temperature and green level values
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<p>Set here the green component to set magenta color cast removal level.
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<p><b>Highlights</b><p>Select here the highlight clipping method:<p><b>Solid white</b>: clip all highlights to solid white<p><b>Unclip</b>: leave highlights unclipped in various shades of pink<p><b>Blend</b>:Blend clipped and unclipped values together for a gradual fade to white<p><b>Rebuild</b>: reconstruct highlights using a level value
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