(c) 2000 - 2002 Michael Goffioul
(c) 2000 - 2002 Michael Goffioul
Translated and reviewed by
Vedran Ljubovic
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<h1>Printers</h1>The KDE printing manager is part of KDEPrint which is the interface to the real print subsystem of your Operating System (OS). Although it does add some additional functionality of its own to those subsystems, KDEPrint depends on them for its functionality. Spooling and filtering tasks, especially, are still done by your print subsystem, or the administrative tasks (adding or modifying printers, setting access rights, etc.)<br/> What print features KDEPrint supports is therefore heavily dependent on your chosen print subsystem. For the best support in modern printing, the KDE Printing Team recommends a CUPS based printing system.
<h1>Štampači</h1>KDE upravljanje štampom je dio KDEPrint-a koji predstavlja interfejs na pravi podsistem štampe vašeg Operativnog sistema (OS). Iako on dodaje neke nove mogućnosti ovim podsistemima, KDEPrint ovisi o njima radi ispravnog funkcionisanja. Konkretno, zadatke spooling-a i filtriranja još uvijek obavlja vaš podsistem štampe, kao i administrativne zadatke (dodavanje i izmjena štampača, podešavanje prava pristupa itd.)<br/>Mogućnosti štampe koje pruža KDEPrint, dakle, znatno ovise o podsistemu štampe koji se odabrali. Za najbolju podršku modernom štampanju, KDE Printing Team preporučuje CUPS baziran sistem štampe.
Translated and reviewed by
Vedran Ljubovic
Located in