Details for Burmese translation

Translation file details

  • Burmese
Bone Pyae Sone
Distribution: Ubuntu
Series: jaunty
Source package:
Translation group:
Ubuntu Translators
Translation policy: Restricted
Plural forms: 1
Plural expression:
Template description:
Please make sure that at least those country names where your language is spoken are translated into your own language. Some applications use those to display localized country names depending on the languages available. Translation teams: These translations do not go into language-packs, since they are needed before language-packs are even installed. Also, translations done in Launchpad will not go into the iso-codes package as a patch. So, please submit translations for your language back to upstream ( ).


Messages: 448
Translated: 375 (83.70535714285714%)
Untranslated: 73 (16.294642857142858%)
Shared between Ubuntu and upstream: 0 (0.0%)
Translated differently between Ubuntu and upstream: 0 (0.0%)
Only translated on this side: 375 (83.70535714285714%)
016.29  83.70535714285714% translated  16.294642857142858% untranslated

Contributors to this translation

The following people have made some contribution to this specific translation: