Next Steps and Where to Go From Here
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Sonraki aşamalar ve buradan nereye gitmeli
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Shutting down the system
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Sistem kapanıyor
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To shut down a running Linux system, you must not reboot with the reset switch on the front or back of your computer, or just turn off the computer. Linux should be shut down in a controlled manner, otherwise files might get lost and/or disk damage might occur. If you run a desktop environment, there is usually an option to <quote>log out</quote> available from the application menu that allows you to shutdown (or reboot) the system.
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Çalışan bir Linux sistemini kapatmak için bilgisayarınızın önünde veya arkasındaki reset tuşuna basmamalı veya bilgisayarı direkt kapamamalısınız. Linux kontrollü bir şekilde kapatılmalıdır. Aksi halde, dosyalar silinebilir ve/veya sabit disk zedelenebilir. Eğer bir masaüstü kullanıyorsunuz programlar kısmındaki menüdeki <quote>log out</quote> seçeneği sistemi kapatabilir veya yeniden başlatabilir.
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Alternatively you can press the key combination <keycombo> <keycap>Ctrl</keycap> <keycap>Alt</keycap> <keycap>Del</keycap> </keycombo> <phrase arch="powerpc;m68k"> or <keycombo> <keycap>Control</keycap> <keycap>Shift</keycap> <keycap>Power</keycap> </keycombo> on Macintosh systems</phrase>. A last option is to log in as root and type one of the commands <command>poweroff</command>, <command>halt</command> or <command>shutdown -h now</command> if either of the key combinations do not work or you prefer to type commands; use <command>reboot</command> to reboot the system.
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İsterseniz şu tuş kombinasyonlarına basabilirsiniz <keycombo> <keycap>Ctrl</keycap> <keycap>Alt</keycap> <keycap>Del</keycap> </keycombo> <phrase arch="powerpc;m68k"> veya <keycombo> <keycap>Control</keycap> <keycap>Shift</keycap> <keycap>Power</keycap> </keycombo> Macintosh systemlerinde</phrase>. Son bir seçenek root olarak sisteme girmek ve şu komutlardan birini girmektir <command>poweroff</command>, <command>halt</command> veya <command>shutdown -h now</command> eğer bu tuş kombinasyonlarından biri işe yaramıyorsa veya komut yazmayı tercih ediyorsanız <command>reboot</command> yazarak sistemi yeniden başlatabilirsiniz.
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If You Are New to Unix
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Eğer Unix'e yaniyseniz
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If you are new to Unix, you probably should go out and buy some books and do some reading. A lot of valuable information can also be found in the <ulink url="&url-debian-reference;">Debian Reference</ulink>. This <ulink url="&url-unix-faq;">list of Unix FAQs</ulink> contains a number of UseNet documents which provide a nice historical reference.
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Eğer Unix'e yaniyseniz birkaç kitap satın almalı ve onları okumalısınız. Şu linkte birçok faydalı bilgi bulunur: <ulink url="&url-debian-reference;">Debian Reference</ulink>. Bu <ulink url="&url-unix-faq;">list of Unix FAQs</ulink> linki geçmişten kalmış bir rehber olarak birçok UseNet dökümanı içerir.
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Linux is an implementation of Unix. The <ulink url="&url-ldp;">Linux Documentation Project (LDP)</ulink> collects a number of HOWTOs and online books relating to Linux. Most of these documents can be installed locally; just install the <classname>doc-linux-html</classname> package (HTML versions) or the <classname>doc-linux-text</classname> package (ASCII versions), then look in <filename>/usr/share/doc/HOWTO</filename>. International versions of the LDP HOWTOs are also available as Debian packages.
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Orienting Yourself to Debian
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Debian is a little different from other distributions. Even if you're familiar with Linux in other distributions, there are things you should know about Debian to help you to keep your system in a good, clean state. This chapter contains material to help you get oriented; it is not intended to be a tutorial for how to use Debian, but just a very brief glimpse of the system for the very rushed.
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Debian Packaging System
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Debian Paket Sistemi
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