Details for Indonesian translation
Translation file details
- Indonesian
Launchpad Translations Administrators
Distribution: Ubuntu
Series: jammy
Source package:
Translation group:
Ubuntu Translators
Translation policy: Restricted
Plural forms: 1
Plural expression:
Related pages
Messages: 118Translated: 118 (100.0%)
Untranslated: 0 (0.0%)
Shared between Ubuntu and upstream: 61 (51.69491525423729%)
Translated differently between Ubuntu and upstream: 21 (17.796610169491526%)
Only translated on this side: 36 (30.508474576271187%)
Latest contributor:
adi wahyu
Contributors to this translation
The following people have made some contribution to this specific translation:
- Affif Mukhlashin (filter)
- Agus Purnomo (filter)
- Andika Triwidada (filter)
- Andy Apdhani (filter)
- Arief Setiadi Wibowo (filter)
- Badwi (filter)
- Cecep Mahbub (filter)
- D. Adhiyaksa (filter)
- Firdaus Mubarik (filter)
- Gde Bagus Aryana (filter)
- Hakim (filter)
- Muhamad Bestagi Romadhon (filter)
- Ray Margolang (filter)
- Reno S. Anwari (filter)
- Tedi Heriyanto (filter)
- Triyan W. Nugroho (filter)
- Wastono (filter)
- Wisnu Manupraba (filter)
- adi wahyu (filter)
- budiarto (filter)
- cahsukun (filter)
- dens78 (filter)
- dhardiputra (filter)
- gogo (filter)
- jemmy surya (filter)
- rawidiyaningrum (filter)
- sendzation (filter)
- wishnusakti (filter)