Translations by Jadenpaul M. Albay

Jadenpaul M. Albay has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

12 of 2 results
Some code points have the different glyphs and Pango determines the glyphs from the language attribute. Pango chooses glyphs from the IBus engine's language if the value is true and choose them from the desktop locale if the value is false.
Algunos puntos del código tienen los diferentes glifos y Pango determina los glifos del atributo del idioma. Pango elige los glifos del idoma del motor de IBus si el valor es cierto, y los elige de la configuración regional del escritorio si el valor es falso.
Please run `ibus-setup` command, open "Input Method" tab, and configure your input methods again.
Hazlo el comando 'ibus-setup' por favor, abrelo la tabla "Input Method", y configure tu método de entrada otra vez.