There are many tools available to help you to organise your data and to remove unused files. Windows XP has a built-in tool to help you to clean-up your files. Press <menuchoice><guimenuitem>Start</guimenuitem><guimenuitem>All Programs</guimenuitem><guimenuitem>Accessories</guimenuitem><guimenuitem>System Tools</guimenuitem><guimenuitem>Disk Cleanup</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to run the <application>Windows XP Disk Cleanup Tool</application>.
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You may have stored files in a location which you have forgotten about. As such, you may miss these files out of your back-up procedure and so they will not be transferred across to your Ubuntu installation. To find files of a specific type, regardless of their location, follow this procedure:
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Press <menuchoice><guimenuitem>Start</guimenuitem><guimenuitem>Search</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to start the <application>Search</application> application.
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In the box labelled <guilabel>All or part of the file name:</guilabel>, type <emphasis>*.doc</emphasis> (where <emphasis>.doc</emphasis> is the file extension of the type of document you wish to search for).
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In the selection box labelled <guilabel>Look in:</guilabel>, ensure that the <emphasis>Local hard drives</emphasis> option is selected.
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Press <guibutton>Search</guibutton>. All files of the <emphasis>.doc</emphasis> type will be found. To find files of other formats, substitute <emphasis>.doc</emphasis> for the file format which you wish to search for.
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While applications available for Ubuntu support most common file types, there are still many file types which are not supported. If you have files in an unsupported format, it is recommended that you try to convert them to a supported format before switching. This section covers some common, unsupported or only partially-supported file types and lists possible alternatives and methods of conversion.
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Unfortunately, due to legal restrictions and technical issues with some common audio formats, Ubuntu cannot play some audio formats out-of-the-box. While support for certain restricted formats can be added after you have installed Ubuntu, it can be advantageous to convert audio files to a well-supported format. This is especially important if the files have been encoded using some form of <emphasis>Digital Rights Management (DRM)</emphasis> software, as DRM restrictions can render files unplayable in all applications but the one in which they were applied.
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The following major audio formats are proprietary and so are not supported by default in Ubuntu:
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For a well-supported audio format to replace MP3 and WMA, consider the <emphasis>Ogg Vorbis</emphasis> format. For a well-supported lossless (very high quality) format to replace AAC Lossless and WMA-VBR, consider the <emphasis>FLAC</emphasis> format. Both of these formats are open, and can be played in Ubuntu without the installation of any additional software.
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