Why switch to Ubuntu?
Kenapa beralih ke Ubuntu?
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Mahyuddin Susanto
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Ubuntu has many advantages over Windows. This chapter discusses the benefits of using Ubuntu and why you might like to switch to using it on your computer.
Ubuntu memiliki banyak keunggulan dibanding Windows. Chapter ini mendiskusikan keuntungan menggunakan Ubuntu dan mengapa Anda mungkin akan beralih menggunakannya di komputer anda.
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Cecep Mahbub
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Translated and reviewed by
Mahyuddin Susanto
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Ubuntu is built upon the legendary stability of the Debian GNU/Linux operating system. Wave goodbye to crashes and freezes and say hello to a reliable system which just works.
Ubuntu dibangun dari sistem operasi Debian GNU/Linux yang terkenal akan kestabilannya. Selamat tinggal untuk crash dan freeze dan katakan halo pada sistem terpercaya yang baru saja bekerja.
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Muhammad Subair
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The reason for the stability of Ubuntu is the way in which it is created and maintained - if someone finds a stability problem in an Ubuntu application, the problem can be reported and fixed ready for the next release, which will be available within six months. No waiting for service packs, just a working, rock-solid system at your disposal.
Alasan kestabilan dari Ubuntu adalah cara pembuatan dan pemeliharaan - jika seseorang menemukan masalah stabilitas dalam aplikasi Ubuntu, masalah tersebut akan dilaporkan dan diperbaiki pada rilis berikutnya, yang akan tersedia dalam 6 bulan. Tidak perlua menunggu service packs, bekerjalah, sistem yang kokoh pada penjualan anda.
Translated and reviewed by
Muhammad Subair
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Ubuntu applications have been tested by thousands of people world-wide to verify their stability.
Aplikasi-aplikasi Ubuntu telah dites oleh ribuan orang di seluruh dunia untuk memverifikasi kestabilannya.
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Muhammad Subair
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Debian GNU/Linux is so stable that it powers some of the most critical computer systems in the world.
Debian GNU/Linux sangat stabil dan telah terbukti menjadi tenaga untuk beberapa sistem komputer paling penting di seluruh dunia.
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Muhammad Subair
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Software problems in Ubuntu can be reported and tracked by you, and are often fixed quickly.
Masalah-masalah perangkat lunak di Ubuntu dapat dilaporkan dan dilacak oleh anda, dan tidak jarang diperbaiki dengan sangat cepat.
Translated and reviewed by
Muhammad Subair
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Translated and reviewed by
Mahyuddin Susanto
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The security of your computer is held in the highest regard by the Ubuntu team. Ubuntu offers strong security as standard. Viruses, spyware and adware are practically unheard of in Ubuntu, and security patches are made available as soon as possible for you to download immediately.
Keamanan komputer anda sangat diperhatikan oleh tim Ubuntu. Ubuntu menawarkan keamanan ketat sebagai standar. Virus-virus, spyware dan adware secara praktek tidak menjadi masalah di Ubuntu, dan patch tambalan-tambalan keamanan dibuat tersedia sesegera mungkin untuk anda unduh segera.
Translated and reviewed by
Muhammad Subair
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