Networking in Kubuntu has gotten much easier for everyone. The days of configuring your settings via the command line are almost gone completely. A majority of users will never have to use the command line when configuring their network settings in order to share files between PCs or to gain access to the Internet. There are those select few who might be utilizing hardware that is not Linux certified as of yet. For those, there might be the possibility of making changes via the command line.
Netvinnsla í Kubuntu hefur orðið mun aðuveldari fyrir alla. Dagar stillinga í skipannalínunni eru næstum alveg farnir. Meirihluti notenda mun aldrei þurfa að nota skipanalínuna við að breyta netstillingum sínum til að deila skrám milli tökva eða fá aðganag að internetinu. Það eru þó þessir fáu útvöldu sem eru að nota vélbúnað sem ekki er Linux vottaður ennþá. Fyrir þá, gæti verið möguleiki að gera breytingar frá skipanalínunni.
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Einar Jón Gunnarsson
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New in Kubuntu 8.04 is <application>KNetworkManager</application>. <application>KNetworkManager</application> makes connecting and managing your connections a snap. Whether you are using a wired (Ethernet) connection or a wireless connection, <application>KNetworkManager</application> can monitor for connects and disconnects, locates wireless access points, and manages your wireless encryption (see <xref linkend="network-apps-knetworkmanager"/>).
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Some users will want to do more than surf the Internet or read Email such as sharing files between a Windows PC or a Mac. Setting up Kubuntu on a Windows network is a very simple task and at most will only require very minor command line usage.
Sumir notendur munu vilja gera meira en varfra á netinu eða lesa tölvupóst, svo sem deila skrám milli Windows tölvu eða Mac.Að setja upp Kubuntu á windows netkerfi er mjög einfalt verkefni og mun í versta falli aðeins þurfa minniháttar notkun á skipanalínunni.
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Einar Jón Gunnarsson
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Determining your network hardware
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If you are having issues connecting to your network or the Internet, the first thing you need to do is locate the model of the network device you are using. To do so, unfortunately you will have to use the command line at this time. To get to the command line in Kubuntu, press <keycombo><keycap>Alt</keycap><keycap>Space</keycap></keycombo>. This will open up a pop-up called <application>Katapult</application>. Enter the word <userinput>konsole</userinput> and press <keycap>Enter</keycap>. You will notice that once <application>Konsole</application> opens, you will see something similar to <prompt>username@hostname:~$</prompt>. Here you will type <userinput>lspci</userinput> and press <keycap>Enter</keycap>. Locate your network hardware information, you will need this for the upcoming sections, especially for wireless cards.
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Common network settings
Algengar netkerfisstillingar
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Einar Jón Gunnarsson
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A majority of connection settings can be changed from within the <guilabel>Network Settings</guilabel> section of System Settings. To access the Network Settings, go to <menuchoice><guimenu>KMenu</guimenu><guimenuitem>System Settings</guimenuitem></menuchoice> and then select <guilabel>Network Settings</guilabel> at the lower left of the window.
Meirihluta tengingarstillingum er hægt að breyta úr <guilabel>Netkerfisstillingar</guilabel> kaflanum í Kerfisstillingunum. Til að komast inn í Netkerfisstillingarnar, farðu í <menuchoice><guimenu>KMenu</guimenu><guimenuitem>Kerfisstillingar</guimenuitem></menuchoice> og veldu svo <guilabel>Netkerfisstillingar</guilabel> neðarlega til vinstri í glugganum.
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Einar Jón Gunnarsson
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No matter the connection you are using, the network settings will usually be configured the same. Most users are probably familiar with Windows networking and seeing terms such as <acronym>IP</acronym> address, gateway address, netmask address, and <acronym>DNS</acronym> addresses. They are still the same in Kubuntu however there are two extra settings that are common with Linux systems, network address and broadcast address however these extra settings are not necessary for basic home networking and connecting to the Internet.
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Please select from the following to get a brief introduction to each settings. <placeholder-1/>
Veldu eina af eftirfarandi til að fá stutta kynningu á hverri stillingu. <placeholder-1/>
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Einar Jón Gunnarsson
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Kubuntu Network Interface Setting
Kubuntu Netkerfisviðmótsstillingar
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Einar Jón Gunnarsson
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