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<h1>Cache</h1><p>This module lets you configure your cache settings.</p><p>The cache is an internal memory in Konqueror where recently read web pages are stored. If you want to retrieve a web page again that you have recently read, it will not be downloaded from the Internet, but rather retrieved from the cache, which is a lot faster.</p>
<h1>Cachea</h1> <p>Modulu honen bidez zure cache ezarpenak konfigura ditzakezu.</p> <p>Cachea Konqueror-ek berriki irakurritako web orriak gordetzeko daukan barneko memoria da. Berriki irakurri duzun web orria berreskuratu nahi baduzu, ez da internetetik jaitsiko, cachetik berreskuratu baizik, askoz bizkorragoa izanik. </p>
Translated by
Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio
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Unable to start the cookie handler service.
You will not be able to manage the cookies that are stored on your computer.
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Ezin da cookie-ak erabiltzeko zerbitzua abiarazi.
Ezingo dituzu kudeatu zure ordenagailuan gordetako cookie-ak.
Translated by
Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio
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<h1>Cookies</h1> Cookies contain information that Konqueror (or other KDE applications using the HTTP protocol) stores on your computer, initiated by a remote Internet server. This means that a web server can store information about you and your browsing activities on your machine for later use. You might consider this an invasion of privacy. <p> However, cookies are useful in certain situations. For example, they are often used by Internet shops, so you can 'put things into a shopping basket'. Some sites require you have a browser that supports cookies. <p> Because most people want a compromise between privacy and the benefits cookies offer, KDE offers you the ability to customize the way it handles cookies. So you might want to set KDE's default policy to ask you whenever a server wants to set a cookie, allowing you to decide. For your favorite shopping web sites that you trust, you might want to set the policy to accept, then you can access the web sites without being prompted every time KDE receives a cookie.
<h1>Cookieak</h1> Cookie-ek Konqueror-ek (edo HTTP protokoloa darabilten beste KDE aplikazioek) zure ordenagailuan gordetzen duen informazioa daukate, urruneko internet zerbitzari batek abiarazten dituztenak. Honek esan nahi du web zerbitzari batek zure ordenagailuan zuri eta zure arakatze ibilbideei buruzko informazioa gorde dezakeela, beranduago erabiltzeko. Hau zure pribatutasunaren inbasiotzat jo dezakezu. <p> Dena dela, cookie-ak egoera batzuetarako erabilgarriak dira. Adibidez, internet dendetan maiz erabiltzen dira, 'gauzak erosketa saskian jar' ditzakezularik. Gune batzuek cookie-ak onartzen dituen arakatzailea izan dezazun eskatzen dute. <p> Jende gehienak pribatutasun eta cookie-ek eskaintzen dituzten onuren arteko ituna nahi duenez, KDE-k cookie-ak zelan erabili kudeatzeko gaitasuna eskaintzen dizu. Beraz, nahi baduzu ezar dezakezu KDE-ren erabilera politika lehenetsia zuri galdetzeko zerbitzari batek cookie bat ezarri nahi duen bakoitzean, erabaki ahal dezazun. Konfidantzazkoak dituzun zure erosketa web guneentzat, ezar dezakezu onartzeko politika, horrela web guneetan sar zaitezke KDE-k cookie-ren bat jasotzen duen bakoitzean jakinarazia izan barik.
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DCOP Communication Error
DCOP komunikazio-errorea
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kcookiesmanagement.cpp:150 kcookiesmanagement.cpp:170
Unable to delete all the cookies as requested.
Ezin dira cookie guztiak ezabatu eskatu bezala.
Translated by
Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio
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Unable to delete cookies as requested.
Ezin dira cookie-ak ezabatu eskatu bezala.
Translated by
Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio
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<h1>Cookies Management Quick Help</h1>
<h1>Cookie kudeaketarako laguntza bizkorra</h1>
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