To create a circle-shaped selection, hold <tt>Shift</tt> while doing an ellipse select. To place a circle precisely, drag horizontal and vertical guides tangent to the circle you want to select, place your cursor at the intersection of the guides, and the resulting selection will just touch the guides.
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When using a drawing tool (Paintbrush, Airbrush, or Pencil), <tt>Shift</tt>-click will draw a straight line from your last drawing point to your current cursor position. If you also press <tt>Ctrl</tt>, the line will be constrained to 15 degree angles.
Kada koristite alat za crtanje (četkica, kist ili olovka), <tt>Shift</tt>-klik će iscrtati ravnu liniju od posljednje iscrtane točke do trenutne pozicije pokazivača. Ako pritisnete <tt>Ctrl</tt>, moći ćete rotirati liniju pod kutom od 15°.
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Robert Sedak
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When you save an image to work on it again later, try using XCF, the GIMP's native file format (use the file extension <tt>.xcf</tt>). This preserves the layers and every aspect of your work-in-progress. Once a project is completed, you can save it as JPEG, PNG, GIF, ...
Kada snimite neku sliku da bi kasnije nastavili njezinu obradu, odaberite format XCF, vlastiti format datoteka za GIMP (koristite nastavak <tt>.xcf</tt>). Na ovaj način će slojevi i svi aspekti vašeg trenunog rada biti spremljeni. Jednom kada završite projekt, možete ga sačuvati kao JPEG, PNG, GIF, ...
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Robert Sedak
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You can adjust or move a selection by using <tt>Alt</tt>-drag. If this makes the window move, your window manager uses the <tt>Alt</tt> key already. Try pressing <tt>Shift</tt> at the same time.
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You can adjust the selection range for fuzzy select by clicking and dragging left and right.
Možete prilagoditi područje odabira za nejasni odabir ako kliknete i povlačite pokazivač lijevo i desno.
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Robert Sedak
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You can create and edit complex selections using the Path tool. The Paths dialog allows you to work on multiple paths and to convert them to selections.
Možete napraviti i uređivati složene odabire pomoću alata za putanje. Dijalog za putanje dozvoljava rad s više putanja i pretvaranje istih u odabire.
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Robert Sedak
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You can drag a layer from the Layers dialog and drop it onto the toolbox. This will create a new image containing only that layer.
Možete povući sloj iz dijaloga Slojevi i spustiti ga na paletu alata. Na taj način će se napraviti nova slika koja sadrži samo taj sloj.
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Robert Sedak
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You can drag and drop many things in the GIMP. For example, dragging a color from the toolbox or from a color palette and dropping it into an image will fill the current image or selection with that color.
Možete povući i ispustiti mnoge stvari u Gimpu. Na primjer, povlačenjem boje sa palete alata ili s palete boja i ispuštanjem na sliku, ispuniti će trenutnu sliku ili odabir odabranom bojom.
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Robert Sedak
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You can draw simple squares or circles using Edit->Stroke Selection. It strokes the edge of your current selection. More complex shapes can be drawn using the Path tool or with Filters->Render->Gfig.
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You can get context-sensitive help for most of the GIMP's features by pressing the F1 key at any time. This also works inside the menus.
U svakom trenutku možete dobiti trenutnu pomoć za većinu mogućnosti Gimpa ako pritisnete tipku F1. Ova opcija takođe radi i unutar izbornika.
Translated and reviewed by
Robert Sedak
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