Browsing Slovenian translation

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251260 of 503 results
Entering the text into the search performs a <b>keyword search</b> - the search string is matched against the entire output of each scan.

To refine the search, you can use <b>operators</b> to search only within a specific part of a scan. Operators can be added to the search interactively if you click on the <b>Expressions</b> button, or you can enter them manually into the search field. Most operators have a short form, listed.

<b>profile: (pr:)</b> - Profile used.
<b>target: (t:)</b> - User-supplied target, or a rDNS result.
<b>option: (o:)</b> - Scan options.
<b>date: (d:)</b> - The date when scan was performed. Fuzzy matching is possible using the "~" suffix. Each "~" broadens the search by one day on "each side" of the date. In addition, it is possible to use the "date:-n" notation which means "n days ago".
<b>after: (a:)</b> - Matches scans made after the supplied date (<i>YYYY-MM-DD</i> or <i>-n</i>).
<b>before (b:)</b> - Matches scans made before the supplied date(<i>YYYY-MM-DD</i> or <i>-n</i>).
<b>os:</b> - All OS-related fields.
<b>scanned: (sp:)</b> - Matches a port if it was among those scanned.
<b>open: (op:)</b> - Open ports discovered in a scan.
<b>closed: (cp:)</b> - Closed ports discovered in a scan.
<b>filtered: (fp:)</b> - Filtered ports discovered in scan.
<b>unfiltered: (ufp:)</b> - Unfiltered ports found in a scan (using, for example, an ACK scan).
<b>open|filtered: (ofp:)</b> - Ports in the "open|filtered" state.
<b>closed|filtered: (cfp:)</b> - Ports in the "closed|filtered" state.
<b>service: (s:)</b> - All service-related fields.
<b>inroute: (ir:)</b> - Matches a router in the scan's traceroute output.
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Vnos besedila v iskanje opravi <b>iskanje po ključni besedi<b> - iskalni niz se primerja s celotnim rezultatom vsakega pregleda.

Za bolj podrobno iskanje lahko uporabite <b>operatorje</b> za iskanje v samo v določenem delu pregleda. Operatorje lahko vzajemno dodate k iskanju, če kliknete na gumb <b>Expressions</b>, ali pa jih lahko ročno vnesete v iskalno polje. Večina operatorjev ima navedeno kratko obliko.

<b>profile: (pr:)</b> - Uporabljeni profil.
<b>target: (t:)</b> - Uporabniško določen cilj, ali rezultat DNS.
<b>option: (o:)</b> - Možnosti pregleda.
<b>date: (d:)</b> - Datum opravljenega pregleda. Nejasno ujemanje je možno z uporabo pripone "~". Vsaka "~" razširi iskanje za en dan na "vsaki strani" datuma. Poleg tega je mogoče uporabiti zapis "date:-n", ki pomeni "pred n dnevi".
<b>after: (a:)</b> - Primerja preglede opravljene po določenemu datumu (<i>YYYY-MM-DD</i> ali <i>-n</i>).
<b>before (b:)</b> - Primerja preglede opravljene pred določenemu datumu (<i>YYYY-MM-DD</i> ali <i>-n</i>).
<b>os:</b> - Vsa polja povezana z OS-om.
<b>scanned: (sp:)</b> - Primerja vrata, če so bila med pregledanimi.
<b>open: (op:)</b> - Odprta vrata, ki so bila odkrita med pregledom.
<b>closed: (cp:)</b> - Zaprta vrata, ki so bila odkrita med pregledom.
<b>filtered: (fp:)</b> - Filtrirana vrata, ki so bila odkrita med pregledom.
<b>unfiltered: (ufp:)</b> - Nefiltrirana vrata, ki so bila odkrita med pregledom (na primer z uporabo pregleda ACK).
<b>open|filtered: (ofp:)</b> - Vrata v "odprtem|filtriranem" stanju.
<b>closed|filtered: (cfp:)</b> - Vrata v "zaprtem|filtriranem" stanju.
<b>service: (s:)</b> - Vsa polja, povezana s storitvami.
<b>inroute: (ir:)</b> - Primerja usmerjevalnik v izpisu pregleda traceroute.
Translated and reviewed by Damir Jerovšek
Located in zenmapGUI/
Search Scans
Iskanje pregledov
Translated and reviewed by Andrej Znidarsic
Located in zenmapGUI/
Translated by Miha Gašperšič
Reviewed by Andrej Znidarsic
Located in zenmapGUI/
Show the topology anyway
Vseeno prikaži topologijo
Translated by Sasa Batistic
Reviewed by Damir Jerovšek
Located in zenmapGUI/
Topology is disabled because too many hosts can cause it
to run slowly. The limit is %d hosts and there are %d.
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Topologija je onemogočena, ker lahko preveč gostiteljev povzroči
počasno delovanje. Omejitev je %d gostiteljev in tu so %d.
Translated by Sasa Batistic
Reviewed by Damir Jerovšek
Located in zenmapGUI/
Translated and reviewed by Andrej Znidarsic
Located in radialnet/bestwidgets/
Translated and reviewed by Andrej Znidarsic
Located in radialnet/gui/
Translated and reviewed by Andrej Znidarsic
Located in radialnet/gui/
Translated and reviewed by Andrej Znidarsic
Located in radialnet/gui/
Translated and reviewed by Andrej Znidarsic
Located in radialnet/gui/
251260 of 503 results

This translation is managed by Ubuntu Slovenian Quality Assurance, assigned by Ubuntu Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: Andrej Znidarsic, Damir Jerovšek, Dražen Matešić, Janez Gačnik, Miha Gašperšič, Peter Klofutar, Sasa Batistic, null.