At the heart of the Ubuntu GNOME philosophy is the belief that computing is for everyone. With advanced accessibility tools and options to change language, color scheme and text size, Ubuntu GNOME makes computing easy – whoever and wherever you are.
type: Content of: <div><div><div><p>
V samem jedru filozofije Ubuntuja GNOME je prepričanje, da je računalništvo za vsakogar. Z naprednimi orodji za dostopnost in možnostmi za spreminjanje jezika, barvne sheme in velikosti pisave, Ubuntu GNOME naredi računalništvo preprosto - kdorkoli in kjerkoli ste.
Translated and reviewed by
Sasa Batistic
Located in
Make the most of the web
type: Content of: <div><h1>
Imejte največ od spleta
Translated by
Sasa Batistic
Reviewed by
Damir Jerovšek
Located in
With Firefox already installed, Ubuntu GNOME has everything you need to browse the web. Easy browsing, high performance, advanced security, powerful personalization and the cutting edge, all that is between your hands.
type: Content of: <div><div><div><p>
Z že nameščenim Firefoxom ima Ubuntu GNOME vse, kar potrebujete za brskanje po internetu. Enostavno brskanje, visoka zmogljivost, napredna varnost, zmogljivo prilagajanje in najsodobnejša tehnologija - vse to je na dosegu vaših rok.
Translated by
Peter Klofutar
Reviewed by
Dražen Matešić
Located in
Simple and easy to use
type: Content of: <div><h1>
Preprost za uporabo
Translated by
Damir Jerovšek
Reviewed by
Damir Jerovšek
Located in
<strong>The Activities Overview is an easy way to access all your basic tasks. </strong>
type: Content of: <div><div><div><p>
<strong>Pregled dejavnosti je preprost način za dostopanje do vseh osnovnih nalog. </strong>
Translated by
Damir Jerovšek
Reviewed by
Sasa Batistic
Located in
Having everything in one place is convenient and means that you don't have to learn your way around a maze of different technologies.
type: Content of: <div><div><div><p>
Imeti vse stvari na enem mestu je priročno in pomeni, da je upravljanje z različnimi tehnologijami preprosto.
Translated by
Damir Jerovšek
Reviewed by
Sasa Batistic
Located in
Launch and manage <strong>your apps</strong> from the Dash
type: Content of: <div><div><div><ul><li><p>
Zaganjajte in upravljajte z <strong>vašimi programi</strong> s pregledne plošče
Translated by
Damir Jerovšek
Reviewed by
Sasa Batistic
Located in
Check <strong>your notifications</strong> easily
type: Content of: <div><div><div><ul><li><p>
Preverjajte <strong>svoja obvestila</strong> z lahkoto
Translated by
Damir Jerovšek
Reviewed by
Sasa Batistic
Located in
Enhance your work flow with <strong>dynamic workspaces</strong>
type: Content of: <div><div><div><ul><li><p>
Izboljšajte svoj potek dela z <strong>dinamičnimi delovnimi okolji</strong>
Translated by
Peter Klofutar
Reviewed by
Dražen Matešić
Located in
Help and support
type: Content of: <div><h1>
Pomoč in podpora
Translated by
Sasa Batistic
Reviewed by
Damir Jerovšek
Located in