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110 of 1494 results
GNOME Software
GNOME Software
Translated and reviewed by karm
Located in data/appdata/
Application manager for GNOME
Gestor del applicationes de GNOME
Translated and reviewed by karm
Located in data/appdata/
Software allows you to find and install new applications and system extensions and remove existing installed applications.
Le software te permitte de cercar e de installar nove applicationes e extensiones de systema e de remover le applicationes installate existente.
Translated and reviewed by karm
Located in data/metainfo/
GNOME Software showcases featured and popular applications with useful descriptions and multiple screenshots per application. Applications can be found either through browsing the list of categories or by searching. It also allows you to update your system using an offline update.
GNOME Software monstra le applicationes plus eminente e popular per utile descriptiones e plure instantaneos de schermo per application. Le applicationes pote ser trovate o per le exploration del lista del categorias o per recerca. Illo alsi te permitte de actualisar tu systema sin connexion.
Translated and reviewed by karm
Located in data/appdata/
Overview panel
Quadro panoramic
Translated and reviewed by karm
Located in data/metainfo/
Details panel
Quadro de detalios
Translated and reviewed by karm
Located in data/metainfo/ data/metainfo/
Installed panel
Quadro de los installate
Translated and reviewed by karm
Located in data/metainfo/
Updates panel
Quadro del actualisationes
Translated and reviewed by karm
Located in data/metainfo/ data/metainfo/
The update details
Le detalios del actualisation
Translated and reviewed by karm
Located in data/metainfo/
This is a stable release with the following changes:
(no translation yet)
Located in data/metainfo/ data/metainfo/ data/metainfo/ data/metainfo/ data/metainfo/ data/metainfo/
110 of 1494 results

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Contributors to this translation: karm.