Thank you for installing Edubuntu 17.10. The Edubuntu project is a community project that aims to provide a whole-school technological platform suitable for delivering education. We are coders, educators, parents and technologists who aim to make technology easier for all.
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(no translation yet)
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While the installer is copying some files to disk, we'll show you some slides to introduce you to the Edubuntu Desktop system.
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Kamēr instalators kopē dažas datnes uz diska, mēs jums parādīsim dažus slaidus, lai jūs iepazīstinātu ar Edubuntu darbvirsmas sistēmu.
Translated by
Rūdolfs Mazurs
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<b>Enjoy using Edubuntu and welcome to the Edubuntu family!</b>
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<b>Izbaudiet Edubuntu lietošanu un laipni lūdzam Edubuntu saimē!</b>
Translated by
Rūdolfs Mazurs
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