Activate Accessibility
type: Content of: <div><h1>
Aktivoi esteettömyys
Translated by
Tino Kraft
Reviewed by
Timo Jyrinki
Located in
We want to make computers work for everyone, whatever your physical circumstances. So, we provide tools that make Edubuntu one of the most accessible operating systems around.
"your" refers to a large group that includes the reader.
type: Content of: <div><div><ul><li>
Haluamme tuoda tietokoneet kaikkien saataville huolimatta käyttäjien fyysisistä olosuhteista. Siksi tuotammekin työkaluja, jotka tekevät Edubuntu-järjestelmän esteettömyydestä huippuluokkaa.
Translated by
Tino Kraft
Reviewed by
Timo Jyrinki
Located in
You can get at these tools in one place: the <em>Assistive Technologies Preferences</em>, inside the System Menu. From there, you can turn on helpful tools like <em>Orca</em>, to speak text on the screen, or dwell click to press mouse buttons automatically.
The string "Assistive Technologies Preferences" is describing a particular menu item: System >
Preferences > Assistive Technologies, and the string "System menu" describes that section of the main menu. Note that certain words are kept the same to make the menu items discoverable. It is intentional that we are using soft descriptions instead of mapping out a rigid path for the user to follow. Please, if it is natural for your locale, consider the same convention.
type: Content of: <div><div><ul><li>
Kaikki työkalut löytyvät yhdestä paikasta: Järjestelmä-valikon <em>Esteettömyystekniikat</em>-kohdan kautta. Sieltä on mahdollista kytkeä päälle avustavia toimintoja, kuten <em>Orca</em> tekstin ääneen lukemiseen ja pysenapsautus hiiren painikkeiden automaattisen painamiseen.
Translated and reviewed by
Timo Jyrinki
Located in
Remember to check out the <em>Appearance Preferences</em>, too. You can choose between different visual styles and even change the fonts that are used by applications.
As before, the string "Appearance Preferences" is describing a particular menu item: System >
Preferences > Appearance. Certain words were kept the same to make the menu item discoverable.
type: Content of: <div><div><ul><li>
Muista myös tarkistaa <em>Ulkoasun asetukset</em>. Ulkoasua voidaan muuttaa valitsemalla eri tyylien väliltä, tai muuttamalla vaikka sovellusten käyttämiä kirjasimia.
Translated and reviewed by
Timo Jyrinki
Located in
Safely Run Software
type: Content of: <div><h1>
Suorita ohjelmia turvallisesti
Translated by
Tino Kraft
Reviewed by
Timo Jyrinki
Located in
<em>Arkose</em> allows you to run an application in a contained environment.
type: Content of: <div><div><ul><li>
<em>Arkosen</em> avulla voit suorittaa sovelluksen eristettyssä ympäristössä
Translated by
Tino Kraft
Reviewed by
Timo Jyrinki
Located in
You can now test downloaded software in a protected environment easily before deploying.
type: Content of: <div><div><ul><li>
Voit helposti testata lataamiasi ohjelmia suojatussa ympäristössä ennen niiden käyttöönottoa.
Translated by
Tino Kraft
Reviewed by
Timo Jyrinki
Located in
<em>Arkose</em> is based on the popular LXC project, making use of advanced Linux containers capabilities.
type: Content of: <div><div><ul><li>
<em>Arkose</em> pohjautuu suosittuun LXC-projektiin, ja hyödyntää edistynyttä Linux Containers -teknologiaa.
Translated by
Tino Kraft
Reviewed by
Timo Jyrinki
Located in
Calculate Everything
type: Content of: <div><h1>
Laske mitä tahansa
Translated by
Tino Kraft
Reviewed by
Timo Jyrinki
Located in
Edubuntu ships with the latest version of the powerful <em>Gnome Calculator</em>.
type: Content of: <div><div><ul><li>
Edubuntussa on mukana viimeisin versio tehokkaasta <em>Gnome-laskimesta</em>.
Translated and reviewed by
Antti Kajander
Located in