Translations by Pibbaccos

Pibbaccos has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

12 of 2 results
Go to the following section corresponding to your type of connection.
Vai nella sezione seguente che corrisponde al tuo tipo di connessione
Ubuntu by default installs the "pppoeconf" package. If you are not sure if you have it you can check by typing this in a terminal window : <screen>dpkg -s pppoeconf</screen> If it is not installed yet, do it by yourself, following the hints in <xref linkend="add-applications"/>.
Ubuntu installa di default il pacchetto "pppoeconf". Se non sei sicuro di averlo puoi controllare digitando in una finestra di terminale: <screen>dpkg -s pppoeconf</screen> Se non risulta installato segui i suggerimenti in <xref linkend="add-applications"/> per installarlo.