Choosing this option, the current URL will be attached to the current file. This way, if you try to view the lyrics of this file later, you won't have to search for it again. This information can be stored between sessions, as long as your playlist stores metadata about the multimedia items (almost all the playlists do). If you want to be able to search for other lyrics for this music, you must select this option again to clear the stored URL.
Ef þú velur þennan möguleika verður núverandi vefslóð hengd við skrána sem nú er inni. Þannig má skoða síðar texta þessa lags án þess að leita þurfi að honum aftur. Þessar upplýsingar má geyma milli seta meðan lagalistinn þinn geymir undirgögn um lögin (langflestir lagalistar gera þetta). Ef þú vilt leita að öðrum textum fyrir þetta lag getur þú valið þetta aftur og þurkað út vistuðu slóðina.
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Arnar Leosson
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Hleð inn...
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Arnar Leosson
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Síða lesin
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Arnar Leosson
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Lyrics: %1
Texti lags: %1
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Arnar Leosson
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You can only view the lyrics of the current song, and currently there is none.
Þú getur aðeins skoðað texta núverandi lags, og nú er ekkert valið.
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Arnar Leosson
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Loading Lyrics for %1
Sæki texta fyrir %1
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Arnar Leosson
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<HTML><BODY><p><strong>Please wait! Searching for...</strong></p><TABLE BORDER=1 WIDTH="100%"><TR><TD BGCOLOR="#707671"><strong>Title</strong></TD><TD>%1</TD></TR><TR><TD BGCOLOR="#707671"><strong>Author</strong></TD><TD>%2</TD></TR><TR><TD BGCOLOR="#707671"><strong>Album</strong></TD><TD>%3</TD></TR></TABLE>
<HTML><BODY><p><strong>Augnablik! Leita að...</strong></p><TABLE BORDER=1 WIDTH="100%"><TR><TD BGCOLOR="#707671"><strong>Titill</strong></TD><TD>%1</TD></TR><TR><TD BGCOLOR="#707671"><strong>Höfundur</strong></TD><TD>%2</TD></TR><TR><TD BGCOLOR="#707671"><strong>Diskur</strong></TD><TD>%3</TD></TR></TABLE>
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Arnar Leosson
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<hr><p><strong>Searching at %1</strong><br><small>(<a href="%3">%2</a></small>)</p>
<hr><p><strong>Leita á %1</strong><br><small>(<a href="%3">%2</a></small>)</p>
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Arnar Leosson
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<hr><p><strong>Using the stored URL</strong><br><small>(<a href="%2">%1</a></small>)</p>
<hr><p><strong>Nota geymda slóð</strong><br><small>(<a href="%2">%1</a></small>)</p>
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Arnar Leosson
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In order to find the lyrics for the current song, this plugin uses the properties stored with each song, such as its title, author and album. These properties are usually retrieved by a tag reader, but in some cases they may not be present or be incorrect. In that case, the Lyrics plugin will not be able to find the lyrics until these properties are fixed (you can fix them using the tag editor).
Hint: The lucky tag plugin, present in the kdeaddons module, can try to guess properties such as title and author from the filename of a song. Enabling it may increase the probability of finding lyrics.
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Til þess að finna texta lagsins sem nú er inni mun þetta íforrit nota upplýsingar sem geymdar eru í laginu eins og til dæmis heiti þess, höfund og á hvaða plötu það er. Þessar upplýsingar eru lesnar úr laginu með merkingalesara en í sumum tilfellum eru þær ekki til staðar eða eru rangar. Ef sú er raunin mun þetta forrit ekki finna texta lagsins fyrr en merkingarnar hafa verið lagfærðar (sem má gera með merkingaritli).
Ath: 'lucky tag' íforritið sem er í kdeaddons einingunni reynir að giska á þessar merkingar útfrá heiti skráarainar. Ef þú virkir það íforrit aukast líkurnar á því að finna textana til muna.
Translated and reviewed by
Arnar Leosson
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