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615 of 28 results
If a layer's name in the Layers dialog is displayed in <b>bold</b>, this layer doesn't have an alpha-channel. You can add an alpha-channel using Layer→Transparency→Add Alpha Channel.
Če je ime plasti v pogovornem oknu Plasti prikazano <b>krepko</b>, ta plast nima alfa-kanala. Alfa-kanal lahko dodate s pomočjo Plast→Prosojnost→Dodaj kanal alfa.
Translated by Martin Srebotnjak
Located in ../data/tips/
Not all effects can be applied to all kinds of images. This is indicated by a grayed-out menu-entry. You may need to change the image mode to RGB (Image→Mode→RGB), add an alpha-channel (Layer→Transparency→Add Alpha Channel) or flatten it (Image→Flatten Image).
Vsem vrstam slik ne moremo dodeliti vseh učinkov. To nakazujejo posiveli menijski vnosi. Morda morate spremeniti slikovni način v RGB (Slika→Način→RGB), dodati kanal alfa (Plast→Prosojnost→Dodaj kanal alfa) ali sploščiti sliko (Slika→Splošči sliko).
Translated by Martin Srebotnjak
Located in ../data/tips/
You can adjust or move a selection by using <tt>Alt</tt>-drag. If this makes the window move, your window manager uses the <tt>Alt</tt> key already. Most window managers can be configured to ignore the <tt>Alt</tt> key or to use the <tt>Super</tt> key (or "Windows logo") instead.
Izbor lahko premikate ali prilagodite s pomočjo <tt>izmenjalke</tt>+povleci. Če se s to kombinacijo premakne okno, vaš okenski upravitelj že uporablja <tt>izmenjalko</tt>. Večina okenskih upraviteljev je mogoče nastaviti tako, da prezrejo pritisnjeno <tt>izmenjalko</tt> ali da namesto nje uporabijo tipko <tt>Super</tt> (ali »tipko Windows«).
Translated by Martin Srebotnjak
Located in ../data/tips/
You can drag and drop many things in GIMP. For example, dragging a color from the toolbox or from a color palette and dropping it into an image will fill the current selection with that color.
Uporabite lahko marsikatero možnost urejanja s pomočjo tehnike povleci in spusti, npr. z vlečenjem barve iz orodjarne ali barvne palete v sliko; trenutna slika ali izbrano področje se bo prebarvalo z izbrano barvo.
Translated by Martin Srebotnjak
Located in ../data/tips/
You can use the middle mouse button to pan around the image (or optionally hold <tt>Spacebar</tt> while you move the mouse).
S srednjim gumbom miške lahko sukate po sliki (ali pa med premikanjem miške držite pritisnjeno <tt>preslednico</tt>).
Translated by Martin Srebotnjak
Located in ../data/tips/
Click and drag on a ruler to place a guide on an image. All dragged selections will snap to the guides. You can remove guides by dragging them off the image with the Move tool.
Kliknite in povlecite na ravnilo za postavitev vodila na sliko. Vsi povlečeni izbori se bodo pripeli na vodila. Vodila odstranite z vlečenjem le-teh prek zunanjih robov slike z orodjem Premakni.
Translated by Martin Srebotnjak
Located in ../data/tips/
You can drag a layer from the Layers dialog and drop it onto the toolbox. This will create a new image containing only that layer.
Če povlečete plast iz okna Plasti in jo spustite na orodjarno, boste iz nje ustvarili novo sliko, ki vsebuje samo to plast.
Translated by Martin Srebotnjak
Located in ../data/tips/
A floating selection must be anchored to a new layer or to the last active layer before doing other operations on the image. Click on the &quot;New Layer&quot; or the &quot;Anchor Layer&quot; button in the Layers dialog, or use the menus to do the same.
Plavajoči izbor mora biti zasidran na novo plast ali zadnjo aktivno plast, preden izvedete druge operacije na sliki. Kliknite na ikono &quot;Nova Plast&quot; ali &quot;Zasidraj plast&quot; v pogovornem oknu Plasti, ali pa za to uporabite menije.
Translated by Martin Srebotnjak
Located in ../data/tips/
GIMP supports gzip compression on the fly. Just add <tt>.gz</tt> (or <tt>.bz2</tt>, if you have bzip2 installed) to the filename and your image will be saved compressed. Of course loading compressed images works too.
GIMP podpira sprotno stiskanje GZIP. Samo dodajte <tt>.gz</tt> (ali <tt>.bz2</tt>, če imate nameščen bzip2) k imenu datoteke in vaša slika bo shranjena stisnjena. Seveda deluje tudi nalaganje stisnjenih slik.
Translated by Martin Srebotnjak
Located in ../data/tips/
Pressing and holding the <tt>Shift</tt> key before making a selection allows you to add to the current selection instead of replacing it. Using <tt>Ctrl</tt> before making a selection subtracts from the current one.
Pritisnite in držite pritisnjeno <tt>dvigalko</tt>, da lahko pred izbiranjem s klikanjem leve tipke miške dodate novo področja k že obstoječemu izboru, namesto da ga nadomestite. Z uporabo <tt>krmilke</tt> pred začetkom izbiranja z miško od obstoječega izbora odštejete novi izbor.
Translated by Martin Srebotnjak
Located in ../data/tips/
615 of 28 results

This translation is managed by Ubuntu Slovenian Quality Assurance, assigned by Ubuntu Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: Martin Srebotnjak.