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168177 of 177 results
We've either already heard about your particular problem and can dispense a quick fix, or we would like to hear about it and work through it with you, and the next user who comes up with the same problem will profit from your experience!
type: Content of: <reference><refentry><refsection><para>
Yo bizning sizga duch kelgan muayyan muammodan xabarimiz bor va uni tezda hal qilishimiz mumkun, yo biz sizning u haqda fikringizni bilib, siz bilan birgalikda uning yechimini topishga harakat qilishimiz mumkin va kelajakda aynan shu muammoga duch kelgan boshqa foydalanuvchi sizning bu tajribangizdan foydalana oladi.
Translated and reviewed by Akbarkhon Variskhanov
Located in help.xml:725
type: Content of: <reference><refentry><refnamediv><refdescriptor>
Translated and reviewed by Akbarkhon Variskhanov
Located in help.xml:755
type: Content of: <reference><refentry><refnamediv><refname>
Translated by Akbarkhon Variskhanov
Reviewed by Akbarkhon Variskhanov
Located in help.xml:756
Ubuntu is Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Canonical Ltd., and incorporates the work of many other original authors and contributors.
type: Content of: <reference><refentry><refsection><para>
Ubuntu (C) 2004-2010 yillarda Canonical Ltd. mualliflik huquqi bilan ximoyalangan, va boshqa ko'plab asl mualliflar va ishtirokchilarning ishlarini o'z ichiga oladi.
Translated by Javlonbek Sharipov
Reviewed by Shukrullo Turgunov
Located in help.xml:763
The Ubuntu system is freely redistributable.
type: Content of: <reference><refentry><refsection><para>
Ubuntu tizimi erkin tarqatiladi.
Translated by Javlonbek Sharipov
Reviewed by Shukrullo Turgunov
Located in help.xml:768
After installation, the exact distribution terms for each package are described in the corresponding file /usr/share/doc/<replaceable>packagename</replaceable>/copyright.
type: Content of: <reference><refentry><refsection><para>
O'rnatishdan so'ng, har bir paket uchun aniq tarqatish shartlari mos ravishda /usr/share/doc/<replaceable>packagename</replaceable>/copyright faylida tavsiflanadi.
Translated by Javlonbek Sharipov
Reviewed by Shukrullo Turgunov
Located in help.xml:771
After startup, the exact distribution terms for each package are described in the corresponding file /usr/share/doc/<replaceable>packagename</replaceable>/copyright.
type: Content of: <reference><refentry><refsection><para>
Ishga tushgandan so'ng, har bir paket uchun aniq tarqatish shartlari tegishli /usr/share/doc/<replaceable>packagename</replaceable>/copyright faylida tasvirlangan.
Translated by Javlonbek Sharipov
Reviewed by Shukrullo Turgunov
Located in help.xml:776
Ubuntu comes with <emphasis>ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY</emphasis>, to the extent permitted by applicable law.
type: Content of: <reference><refentry><refsection><para>
Ubuntu amaldagi qonunchilikda ruxsat berilgan darajada <emphasis>MUTLOQ KAFOLAT YO'Q</emphasis> shaklda keladi.
Translated by Javlonbek Sharipov
Reviewed by Shukrullo Turgunov
Located in help.xml:782
This installation system is based on the Debian installer. See <ulink url="" /> for more details and information on the Debian project.
type: Content of: <reference><refentry><refsection><para>
Ushbu o'rnatish tizimi Debian o'rnatuvchisiga asoslangan. Debian loyihasi haqida batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun <ulink url="" /> ga qarang.
Translated by Javlonbek Sharipov
Reviewed by Shukrullo Turgunov
Located in help.xml:787
This system is based on Debian. See <ulink url="" /> for more details and information on the Debian project.
type: Content of: <reference><refentry><refsection><para>
Ushbu tizim Debian-ga asoslangan. Debian loyihasi haqida batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun <ulink url ="" /> ga qarang.
Translated by Javlonbek Sharipov
Reviewed by Shukrullo Turgunov
Located in help.xml:793
168177 of 177 results

This translation is managed by Ubuntu Uzbek Translators, assigned by Ubuntu Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: Akbarkhon Variskhanov, Akmal Xushvaqov, Disctanger, Javlonbek Sharipov, Ruslan Rustamov, Umidjon Almasov.