Return the time in days when security updates are installed unattended (0 means disabled)
Vrne čas v dneh, ko so varnostne posodobitve nameščene brez posredovanja (0 pomeni onemogočeno)
Translated and reviewed by
Andrej Znidarsic
In upstream: |
Vrni čas v dneh ko so varnostne posdobitve nameščene brez posredovanja (0 pomeni onemogočeno)
Suggested by
Martin Božič
Located in
System program problem detected
Zaznana je bila težava s sistemskim programom
Translated and reviewed by
Andrej Znidarsic
Located in
../src/crash.c:46 ../src/system-crash.c:20
Do you want to report the problem now?
Ali želite težavo poročati sedaj?
Translated and reviewed by
Andrej Znidarsic
Located in
../src/crash.c:47 ../src/system-crash.c:21
Report problem…
Poročaj težavo ...
Translated and reviewed by
Andrej Znidarsic
Located in
../src/crash.c:57 ../src/system-crash.c:31
Crash report detected
Zaznano je bilo poročilo o sesutju
Translated and reviewed by
Located in
../src/crash.c:99 ../src/crash.c:206
An application has crashed on your system (now or in the past). Click on the notification icon to display details.
represents a space character.
Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
Na vašem sistemu se je sesul program (sedaj ali v preteklosti). Za več podrobnosti kliknite na obvestilno ikono.
Translated and reviewed by
Andrej Znidarsic
In upstream: |
Na vašem sistemu se je sesula aplikacija (sedaj ali v preteklosti). Če želite več podrobnosti kliknite na ikono z obvestilom.
Suggested by
Sebastjan Penko
Located in
Network service discovery disabled
Create and show the notification
Odkrivanje omrežnih storitev je onemogočeno
Translated by
Sebastjan Penko
Reviewed by
Vanja Cvelbar
Located in
Your current network has a .local domain, which is not recommended and incompatible with the Avahi network service discovery. The service has been disabled.
Vaše trenutno omrežje uporablja domeno .local, kar ni priporočeno in je nezdružljivo z odkrivanjem omrežnih storitev Avahi. Storitev je bila onemogočena.
Translated and reviewed by
Andrej Znidarsic
Located in
Software Packages Volume Detected
Zaznan je bil nosilec programskih paketov
Translated and reviewed by
Matej Urbančič
In upstream: |
Zaznan je medij programskih paketkov
Suggested by
Seligo Joze
Located in
<span weight="bold" size="larger">A volume with software packages has been detected.</span>

Would you like to open it with the package manager?
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
</span weight="bold" size="larger">Zaznan je bil nosilec s programskimi paketi.</span>

Ali ga želite odpreti z upravljalnikom paketov?
Translated and reviewed by
Andrej Znidarsic
In upstream: |
</span weight="bold" size="larger">Zaznan je bil nosilec s paketi aplikacij.</span>

Ali ga želite odpreti z orodjem za nameščanje paketov?
Suggested by
Vanja Cvelbar
Located in