Translations by Martin Božič
Martin Božič has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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76. |
New Partition Table...
2009-10-02 |
Nova particijska tabela...
172. |
Disk Setup
2009-10-02 |
Priprava diska
174. |
installation process
2009-10-02 |
namestitveni proces
220. |
Select your location, so that the system can use appropriate display conventions for your country, fetch updates from sites close to you, and set the clock to the correct local time.
2009-10-02 |
Izberite vašo lokacijo, da bo lahko sistem uporabil standarde za vašo državo, prenašal posodobitve iz mest blizu vas in nastavil uro na pravilen lokalni čas.