Translations by Dražen Matešić
Dražen Matešić has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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2. |
Connection failed.
2013-10-12 |
Povezava ni uspela.
3. |
2013-10-12 |
28. |
May only contain lower-case letters, digits, hyphens, and underscores.
2012-03-01 |
Lahko vsebuje samo male črke, številke, vezaje ter podčrtaje.
39. |
May not start or end with a hyphen.
2012-03-01 |
Ne sme se začeti ali končati z vezajem.
106. |
Installation is complete. You need to restart the computer in order to use the new installation.
2013-05-10 |
Namestitev je končana. Pred uporabo novo nameščenega sistema morate računalnik ponovno zagnati.
212. |
Install third-party software for graphics and Wi-Fi hardware, MP3 and other media
2017-10-12 |
Namestitev programe tretjih oseb za grafiko, brezžično opremo, MP3 in druge predstavnosti.
249. |
Encrypt the new ${RELEASE} installation for security
2014-04-10 |
Zaradi varnosti šifriraj namestitev ${RELEASE}
251. |
Use LVM with the new ${RELEASE} installation
2014-04-10 |
Uporabi LVM z novo namestitvijo ${RELEASE}
256. |
Any files outside of ${RELEASE} will not be encrypted.
2014-04-10 |
Vse datoteke izven ${RELEASE} ne bodo šifrirane.
267. |
Logical Volume Management (LVM) lets ${RELEASE} treat multiple physical volumes as a single volume.
2014-04-10 |
Upravljanje logičnega nosilca (LVM) omogoča ${RELEASE} obravnavanje več fizičnih nosilcev kot enega samega nosilca.