You are installing in system manufacturer mode. Please enter a unique name for this batch of systems. This name will be saved on the installed system and can be used to help with bug reports.
Type: text
Esteu instal·lant en mode fabricant del sistema. Introduïu un nom únic per a aquest lot de sistemes. Aquest nom es desarà al sistema instal·lat i pot ser usat per a ajudar amb informes d'error.
Translated by
Joan Duran
Reviewed by
David Planella
In upstream: |
Esteu instal·lant en mode fabricant del sistema. Introduïu un nom únic per a este lot de sistemes. Este nom s'alçarà al sistema instal·lat i pot ser usat per a ajudar amb informes d'error.
Suggested by
Joan Duran
Located in
You can try ${RELEASE} without making any changes to your computer, directly from this ${MEDIUM}.
Type: text
RELEASE is a variable substituted into this string, and may be 'Ubuntu'
MEDIUM is a variable substituted into this string, and may be 'CD'
Podeu provar ${RELEASE} sense fer cap canvi al vostre ordinador, directament des d'aquest ${MEDIUM}.
Translated by
Sergi Mateo
Reviewed by
Pau Iranzo
In upstream: |
Podeu provar ${RELEASE} sense fer cap canvi al vostre ordinador, directament des d'este ${MEDIUM}.
Suggested by
Joan Duran
Located in
You may wish to read the <a href="release-notes">release notes</a> or <a href="update">update this installer</a>.
Type: text
Podeu llegir les <a href="release-notes">notes de la versió</a> o bé <a href="update">actualitzar aquest instal·lador</a>.
Translated by
Sergi Mateo
Reviewed by
Pau Iranzo
In upstream: |
Podeu llegir les <a href="release-notes">notes de la versió</a> o bé <a href="update">actualitzar este instal·lador</a>.
Suggested by
Joan Duran
Located in
You may wish to <a href="update">update this installer</a>.
Type: text
Podeu <a href="update">actualitzar aquest instal·lador</a>.
Translated by
Sergi Mateo
Reviewed by
Pau Iranzo
In upstream: |
Podeu <a href="update">actualitzar este instal·lador</a>.
Suggested by
Joan Duran
Located in
Type here to test your keyboard
Type: text
Escriviu aquí per provar el vostre teclat
Translated by
David Planella
Reviewed by
Pau Iranzo
In upstream: |
Escriviu ací per provar el vostre teclat
Suggested by
Joan Duran
Located in
Require my password to log in
Type: text
Fes que calgui una contrasenya per a entrar
Translated by
David Planella
Reviewed by
Joan Duran
In upstream: |
Fes que calga una contrasenya per a entrar
Suggested by
Joan Duran
Located in
Quit the installation?
Type: title
Voleu sortir de la instal·lació?
Translated by
Joan Duran
Reviewed by
Pau Iranzo
In upstream: |
Voleu eixir de la instal·lació?
Suggested by
Joan Duran
Located in
Do you really want to quit the installation now?
Type: text
Realment voleu sortir de la instal·lació?
Translated by
Joan Duran
Reviewed by
Pau Iranzo
In upstream: |
Realment voleu eixir de la instal·lació?
Suggested by
Joan Duran
Located in
This may leave your computer unable to boot.
Type: text
Pot ser que això faci que l'ordinador no pugui arrencar.
Translated by
Pau Iranzo
In upstream: |
Pot ser que això faci que l'ordinador no pugui d'arrencar.
Suggested by
David Planella
Located in
Type: text
An action, displayed on a button or as a menu item.
Translated by
David Planella
Reviewed by
Pau Iranzo
In upstream: |
Suggested by
Joan Duran
Located in