Default dialog title: name of the application
run again
Translated and reviewed by
alasdair caimbeul
Located in
../data/onboard.desktop.in.h:1 ../Onboard/KeyboardWidget.py:1892
../Onboard/WindowUtils.py:1108 ../data/onboard-autostart.desktop.in.h:1
Onboard onscreen keyboard
Meur-chlàr air sgrìn Onboard
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Located in
../data/onboard.desktop.in.h:2 ../data/onboard-autostart.desktop.in.h:2
Flexible onscreen keyboard
(no translation yet)
Located in
../data/onboard.desktop.in.h:3 ../data/onboard-autostart.desktop.in.h:3
(no translation yet)
Located in
Onboard is configured to appear with the dialog to unlock the screen; for example to dismiss the password-protected screensaver.

However the system is not configured anymore to use Onboard to unlock the screen. A possible reason can be that another application configured the system to use something else.

Would you like to reconfigure the system to show Onboard when unlocking the screen?
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Chaidh Onboard a rèiteachadh airson 's gun nochd e an cois a' chòmhraidh airson a' ghlas a thoirt far na sgrìn; mar eisimpleir airson sàbhalaiche-sgrìn a tha fo dhìon facail-fhaire a leigeil seachad.

Ge-tà chan eil an siostam rèitichte tuilleadh airson a' ghlas a thoirt far na sgrìn le Onboard. Dh'fhaoidte gun do rèitich aplacaid eile an siostam ach an cleachd e rudeigin eile.

A bheil thu airson am siostam ath-rèiteachadh airson 's gum faicear Onboard nuair a bheirear a' ghlas far na sgrìn?
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Onboard is configured to appear with the dialog to unlock the screen; for example to dismiss the password-protected screensaver.

However this function is disabled in the system.

Would you like to activate it?
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Chaidh Onboard a rèiteachadh airson 's gun nochd e an cois a' chòmhraidh airson a' ghlas a thoirt far na sgrìn; mar eisimpleir airson sàbhalaiche-sgrìn a tha fo dhìon facail-fhaire a leigeil seachad.

Ge-tà, chaidh am foincsean seo a chur à comas san t-siostam.

A bheil thu airson a chur an gnìomh an-dràsta?
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Located in
New Input Device
Uidheam ion-chuir ùr
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Located in
Onboard has detected a new input device
Mhothaich Onboard do dh'uidheam ion-chuir ùr
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Located in
Do you want to use this device for keyboard scanning?
A bheil thu airson an t-uidheam seo a chleachdadh airson sganadh a' mheur-chlàir
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Located in
Translators: cancel button of the snippets dialog. It used to
be stock item STOCK_CANCEL until Gtk 3.10 deprecated those.
Translators: cancel button of "New Input Device" dialog. It used to be
stock item STOCK_CANCEL until Gtk 3.10 deprecated those.
_Sguir dheth
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Located in
../Onboard/KeyboardWidget.py:1606 ../Onboard/WindowUtils.py:1144