Default dialog title: name of the application
run again
Translated by
Jiri Grönroos
Reviewed by
Timo Jyrinki
Located in
../data/onboard.desktop.in.h:1 ../Onboard/KeyboardWidget.py:1892
../Onboard/WindowUtils.py:1108 ../data/onboard-autostart.desktop.in.h:1
Onboard onscreen keyboard
Translated by
Jiri Grönroos
Reviewed by
Timo Jyrinki
Located in
../data/onboard.desktop.in.h:2 ../data/onboard-autostart.desktop.in.h:2
Flexible onscreen keyboard
Monipuolinen virtuaalinäppäimistö
Translated and reviewed by
Jiri Grönroos
Located in
../data/onboard.desktop.in.h:3 ../data/onboard-autostart.desktop.in.h:3
Translated and reviewed by
Jiri Grönroos
Located in
Onboard is configured to appear with the dialog to unlock the screen; for example to dismiss the password-protected screensaver.

However the system is not configured anymore to use Onboard to unlock the screen. A possible reason can be that another application configured the system to use something else.

Would you like to reconfigure the system to show Onboard when unlocking the screen?
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Translated and reviewed by
Jiri Grönroos
Located in
Onboard is configured to appear with the dialog to unlock the screen; for example to dismiss the password-protected screensaver.

However this function is disabled in the system.

Would you like to activate it?
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Onboard on määritelty ilmestymään, kun lukittu näyttö halutaan avata esimerkiksi salasanasuojatun näytönsäästäjän yhteydessä.

Toiminto ei kuitenkaan ole käytössä tällä hetkellä.

Haluatko ottaa toiminnon käyttöön?
Translated and reviewed by
Timo Jyrinki
Located in
New Input Device
Uusi syötelaite
Translated and reviewed by
Jiri Grönroos
Located in
Onboard has detected a new input device
Onboard havaitsi uuden syötelaitteen
Translated and reviewed by
Jiri Grönroos
Located in
Do you want to use this device for keyboard scanning?
Haluatko käyttää tätä laitetta näppäimistön läpikäymiseen?
Translated and reviewed by
Jiri Grönroos
Located in
Translators: cancel button of the snippets dialog. It used to
be stock item STOCK_CANCEL until Gtk 3.10 deprecated those.
Translators: cancel button of "New Input Device" dialog. It used to be
stock item STOCK_CANCEL until Gtk 3.10 deprecated those.
Translated and reviewed by
Jiri Grönroos
Located in
../Onboard/KeyboardWidget.py:1606 ../Onboard/WindowUtils.py:1144