This occurred during a previous suspend, and prevented the system from resuming properly.
यो अघिल्लो निलम्बित हुने समयमा भयो र सिस्टमलाई राम्रो सङं पुन: शुरू हुन बाट रोक्यो।
Translated by
Shubham Joshi
Reviewed by
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This occurred during a previous hibernation, and prevented the system from resuming properly.
यो अघिल्लो हाइबर्नेसन् हुने समयमा भयो र सिस्टमलाई राम्रो सङं पुन: शुरू हुन बाट रोक्यो।
Translated by
Shubham Joshi
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The resume processing hung very near the end and will have appeared to have completed normally.
(no translation yet)
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An Ubuntu package has a file conflict with a package that is not a genuine Ubuntu package.
(no translation yet)
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You have already encountered this package installation failure.
(no translation yet)
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Your system was initially configured with grub version 2, but you have removed it from your system in favor of grub 1 without configuring it. To ensure your bootloader configuration is updated whenever a new kernel is available, open a terminal and run:
sudo apt-get install grub-pc
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
represents a space character.
Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
(no translation yet)
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Report a problem...
समस्या रिपोर्ट गर्नुहोस्...
Translated by
Shubham Joshi
Reviewed by
Located in
../gtk/apport-gtk.desktop.in.h:1 ../kde/apport-kde-mime.desktop.in.h:1
Report a malfunction to the developers
डेवलपर्सलाई काम नगरे रिपोर्ट गर्नुहोस्
Translated by
Shubham Joshi
Reviewed by
Located in
../gtk/apport-gtk.desktop.in.h:2 ../kde/apport-kde-mime.desktop.in.h:2
This package does not seem to be installed correctly
(no translation yet)
Located in
This is not an official %s package. Please remove any third party package and try again.
(no translation yet)
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