Want to run your own cloud infrastructure in your enterprise? Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud powered by Eucalyptus has what you need: http://www.ubuntu.com/cloud
type: Plain text
Desea ejecutar la infraestructura propia de cloud en su empresa? Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud impulsado por Eucaliptus tiene lo que usted necesita:http://www.ubuntu.com/cloud
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Did you know that you can get useful notifications displayed at the bottom of a terminal by using the byobu package? http://launchpad.net/byobu
type: Plain text
¿Sabias que puedes mostrar notificaciones útiles en el fondo de tu terminal usando el paquete byobu? http://launchpad.net/byobu
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Santiago Zarate
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'screen' can create multiple "windows" which you can detach and re-attach later. The Byobu package makes screen even simpler. http://launchpad.net/byobu
type: Plain text
'screen' puede crear multiples "ventanas" desde las cuales puedes separarte y volver a conectarte luego. El paquete Byobu hace que screen sea aun mas simple. http://launchpad.net/byobu
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Santiago Zarate
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The powernap package allows you to suspend servers which are not being used, and save energy. https://launchpad.net/powernap
type: Plain text
El paquete powernap te permite suspender esos servidores que no estan en uso, y ahorrar energia. https://launchpad.net/powernap
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Santiago Zarate
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'etckeeper' allows you to save changes you make to /etc in a bazaar repository. Useful to track and revert changes. http://tinyurl.com/etckeeper
type: Plain text
'etckeeper' te permite guardar los cambios que haces en /etc utilizando un repositorio bazaar. Útil para rastrear y revertir cambios. http://tinyurl.com/etckeeper
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Santiago Zarate
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Your KVM powered virtual machines will do IOs up to seven times faster if you enable virtio. http://tinyurl.com/virtio
type: Plain text
Tus maquinas virtuales que utilizen KVM tendran un IO de hasta siete veces más rapidas si habilitas virtio. http://tinyurl.com/virtio
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Santiago Zarate
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The Ubuntu Server Team is an open community always looking for feedback and help: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server
type: Plain text
El 'Ubuntu Server Team' es una cominidad abierta, buscando siempre feedback y ayuda: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server
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Santiago Zarate
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Did you know that releases of Ubuntu labeled LTS are maintained for 5 years on servers? 'cat /etc/lsb-release' will tell you which release you are on.
type: Plain text
¿Sabía usted que las versiones de Ubuntu etiquetadas LTS tienen soporte durante 5 años en servidores?'cat /etc/lsb-release' [tab]
le dirá a usted en que version esta.
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Browse the command line history with ctrl-r and then type a few characters that you know are part of the command you are looking for.
type: Plain text
Examinar el historial de la línea de comandos con ctrl-r y, a continuación escriba algunos caracteres que sabe que son parte del comando que está buscando.
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Edit the command line with cut and paste: ctrl-k for cut, and ctrl-y for paste.
type: Plain text
Editar la línea de comandos con cortar y pegar: Ctrl-K para cortar y Ctrl + Y para pegar.
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