Remove package in bad state
Remove packages in bad state
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu: |
Удалить пакет с ошибками
Suggested by
Igor Zubarev
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu: |
Удалить пакеты с ошибками
Suggested by
Igor Zubarev
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu: |
Удалить пакеты с ошибками.
Suggested by
Igor Zubarev
Located in
Its not possible to write to the system directory '%s' on your system. The upgrade can not continue. 
Please make sure that the system directory is writable.
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu: |
Невозможно выполнить запись в системный каталог '%s' в вашей системе. Обновление не может продолжаться. 
Пожалуйста, убедитесь что системный каталог доступен для записи.
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disabled on upgrade to %s
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu: |
отключено при обновлении до %s
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No valid sources.list entry found
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu: |
Не найдено достоверных записей sources.list
Suggested by
Igor Zubarev
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Calculating the changes
calc the dist-upgrade and see if the removals are ok/expected
do the dist-upgrade
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu: |
Расчёт изменений
Suggested by
Igor Zubarev
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Calculating snap size requirements
now perform direct API calls to the store, requesting size
information for each of the snaps needing installation
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu: |
Расчёт требуемого размера snap
Suggested by
Igor Zubarev
Located in
set Prompt=normal in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades.
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu: |
установите Prompt=normal в /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades.
Suggested by
Igor Zubarev
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