Browsing Croatian translation

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These translations are shared with ubuntu-release-upgrader in Ubuntu Mantic template ubuntu-release-upgrader.

110 of 11 results
The upgrade system can use the internet to automatically download the latest updates and install them during the upgrade. If you have a network connection this is highly recommended.

The upgrade will take longer, but when it is complete, your system will be fully up to date. You can choose not to do this, but you should install the latest updates soon after upgrading.
If you answer 'no' here, the network is not used at all.
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu:
Sustav za nadogradnju može koristiti internet za automatsko preuzimanje posljednjih nadopuna i njihovu instalaciju prilikom nadogradnje. Ovo je vrlo preporučljivo ukoliko ste povezani na mrežu.

Nadogradnja će trajati duže, ali vaše će računalo po završetku biti u potpunosti nadopunjeno. Ovo možete preskočiti, ali trebali biste instalirati najnovije nadopune odmah po završetku nadogradnje.
Ako ovdje odgovorite 'ne', to znači da se mreža uopće neće koristiti.
Suggested by gogo
Located in ../DistUpgrade/
After scanning your 'sources.list' no valid entry for '%s' was found.

Should default entries for '%s' be added? If you select 'No', the upgrade will cancel.
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu:
Nakon pretraživanja vaše 'sources.list' datoteke nije pronađen nijedan valjani zapis za '%s'.

Trebali bi zadani zapisi za '%s' biti dodani? Ako odaberete 'Ne', nadogradnja će biti prekinuta.
Suggested by gogo
Located in ../DistUpgrade/
Upgrade canceled
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu:
Nadogradnja prekinuta
Suggested by gogo
Located in ../DistUpgrade/
The upgrade has aborted. Please check your Internet connection or installation media and try again. All files downloaded so far have been kept.
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu:
Nadogradnja je prekinuta. Provjerite svoj pristup internetu ili instalacijski medij, te pokušajte ponovno. Sve preuzete datoteke su zadržane.
Suggested by gogo
Located in ../DistUpgrade/
A problem occurred during the clean-up. Please see the below message for more information.
There are leading/trailing spaces here. Each one represents a space character. Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu:
Došlo je do problema prilikom uklanjanja. Pogledajte poruku u nastavku za više informacija.
Suggested by gogo
Located in ../DistUpgrade/
The partial upgrade was completed.
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu:
Djelomična nadogradnja je završena.
Suggested by gogo
Located in ../DistUpgrade/
Getting new packages
Dobivanje novih paketa
Translated by Michael Terry
In Ubuntu:
Preuzimanje novih paketa
Suggested by Ante Karamatić
Located in ../DistUpgrade/ ../data/gtkbuilder/DistUpgrade.ui.h:24
Cleaning up
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu:
Suggested by gogo
Located in ../DistUpgrade/ ../data/gtkbuilder/DistUpgrade.ui.h:26
Continue [yN]
There are leading/trailing spaces here. Each one represents a space character. Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu:
Nastavi [dN]
Suggested by Michael Terry
Located in ../DistUpgrade/ ../DistUpgrade/ ../DistUpgrade/ ../DistUpgrade/
TRANSLATORS: the "y" is "yes"
TRANSLATORS: first letter of a positive (yes) answer
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu:
Suggested by Michael Terry
Located in ../DistUpgrade/ ../DistUpgrade/ ../DistUpgrade/
110 of 11 results

This translation is managed by Ubuntu Croatian Translators, assigned by Ubuntu Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: Ante Karamatić, Brian Murray, Michael Terry, Michael Vogt, gogo.