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These translations are shared with ubuntu-release-upgrader in Ubuntu Mantic template ubuntu-release-upgrader.

110 of 26 results
It was impossible to install a required package. Please report this as a bug using 'ubuntu-bug ubuntu-release-upgrader-core' in a terminal.
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu:
Zaruriy bir paketniñ qurmaq imkânsız edi. Lütfen bunı bir illet olaraq bir terminalda 'ubuntu-bug ubuntu-release-upgrader-core' qullanaraq bildiriñiz.
Suggested by Reşat SABIQ
Located in ../DistUpgrade/
Can not write to '%s'
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu:
'%s' içine yazılalmay
Suggested by Reşat SABIQ
Located in ../DistUpgrade/
Its not possible to write to the system directory '%s' on your system. The upgrade can not continue.
Please make sure that the system directory is writable.
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu:
Sistemiñiz üzerindeki '%s' sistem fihristine yazmaq imkânsızdır. Üst-qademeleme devam etalmay.
Lütfen sistem fihristiniñ yazılabilir olğanından emin oluñız.
Suggested by Reşat SABIQ
Located in ../DistUpgrade/
Upgrading the repository information resulted in a invalid file so a bug reporting process is being started.
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu:
Repo malümatınıñ üst-qademelenmesi keçersiz bir dosye ile neticelendi, ondan dolayı bir illet bildirme süreci başlatıla.
Suggested by Reşat SABIQ
Located in ../DistUpgrade/
The upgrade has aborted. Please check your Internet connection or installation media and try again. All files downloaded so far have been kept.
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu:
Üst-qademeleme abortlandı. Lütfen İnternet bağlantıñıznı ya da qurulım vasatıñıznı teşkeriñiz ve tekrar deñeñiz. Şimdige qadar endirilgen dosyelerniñ hepsi qorunğandır.
Suggested by Reşat SABIQ
Located in ../DistUpgrade/

Please report this bug in a browser at and attach the files in /var/log/dist-upgrade/ to the bug report.
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu:

Lütfen bu illetni bir kezicide adresinde bildiriñiz ve /var/log/dist-upgrade/ cilbentindeki dosyelerni illet maruzasına iliştiriñiz.
Suggested by Reşat SABIQ
Located in ../DistUpgrade/
Preparing the system for the upgrade failed so a bug reporting process is being started.
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu:
Sistemniñ üst-qademeleme içün hazırlanması muvaffaqiyetsiz edi bu yüzden bir illet maruzası süreci başlatıla.
Suggested by Reşat SABIQ
Located in ../DistUpgrade/
The system was unable to get the prerequisites for the upgrade. The upgrade will abort now and restore the original system state.

Additionally, a bug reporting process is being started.
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu:
Sistem, üst-qademeleme içün ögşartlarnı elde etamadı. Üst-qademeleme şimdi abortlaycaq ve sistem özgün durumına keri tiklenecek.

İlâveten, bir illet maruzası süreci başlatıla.
Suggested by Reşat SABIQ
Located in ../DistUpgrade/
After updating your package information, the essential package '%s' could not be located. This may be because you have no official mirrors listed in your software sources, or because of excessive load on the mirror you are using. See /etc/apt/sources.list for the current list of configured software sources.
In the case of an overloaded mirror, you may want to try the upgrade again later.
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu:
Paket malümatıñıznı yañartqandan soñ, asliy paket '%s' qonumlandırılamadı. Bu, yazılım qaynaqlarıñızda resmiy küzgülerniñ olmamasından yaki qullanğanıñız küzgü üzerinde aşırı yoğunlıqtan dolayı olabilir. Endamlandırılğan yazılım qaynaqlarınıñ cari listesi içün /etc/apt/sources.list dosyesine baqıñız.
Aşırı yüklengen bir küzgü durumında, üst-qademelemeni sonra yañıdan deñemege isteybilirsiñiz.
Suggested by Reşat SABIQ
Located in ../DistUpgrade/
authenticate '%(file)s' against '%(signature)s'
There are leading/trailing spaces here. Each one represents a space character. Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
(no translation yet)
In Ubuntu:
'%(file)s' dosyesini '%(signature)s' imzasına qarşı sahihle
Suggested by Reşat SABIQ
Located in ../DistUpgrade/
110 of 26 results

This translation is managed by Ubuntu Qırımtatarca (Qırım Türkçesi) Tercimanları, assigned by Ubuntu Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: Reşat SABIQ.