Browsing Arabic translation

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These translations are shared with ubuntu-release-upgrader in Ubuntu Mantic template ubuntu-release-upgrader.

4857 of 323 results
No valid sources.list entry found
(no translation yet)
Located in ../DistUpgrade/
While scanning your repository information no entry about %s could be found.

An upgrade might not succeed.

Do you want to continue anyway?
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
(no translation yet)
Located in ../DistUpgrade/
No valid mirror found
لم يُعثر على رابط بديل سليم
Translated and reviewed by Ibrahim Saed
Located in ../DistUpgrade/
While scanning your repository information no mirror entry for the upgrade was found. This can happen if you run an internal mirror or if the mirror information is out of date.

Do you want to rewrite your 'sources.list' file anyway? If you choose 'Yes' here it will update all '%s' to '%s' entries.
If you select 'No' the upgrade will cancel.
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
تعذر إيجاد رابط بديل للترقية أثناء البحث في معلومات المستودعات في حاسوبك. قد يحدث هذا إن استخدمت رابط بديل داخلي أو إن كانت معلومات الرابط البديل قديمة.

هل تود التعديل على ملف 'sources.list' لديك على أية حال؟ إذا أجبت ﺑـ'نعم' فستُحدّث كل '%s' إلى '%s'. وإن أجبت ﺑـ'ﻻ' فستُلغى عملية الترقية.
Translated and reviewed by Ibrahim Saed
Located in ../DistUpgrade/
Generate default sources?
hm, still nothing useful ...
أأولد المصادر المبدئية؟
Translated by Ibrahim Saed
Located in ../DistUpgrade/
After scanning your 'sources.list' no valid entry for '%s' was found.

Should default entries for '%s' be added? If you select 'No', the upgrade will cancel.
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
تعذر إيجاد مدخلة صالحة لـ'%s' أثناء البحث في ملف 'sources.list' في حاسوبك.

هل تود إضافة المدخلات الافتراضية لـ'%s'؟ إن أجبت ﺑ'ﻻ' فستُلغى عملية الترقية.
Translated by Ibrahim Saed
Located in ../DistUpgrade/
Repository information invalid
معلومات المستودع غير صحيحة
Translated by Ibrahim Saed
Located in ../DistUpgrade/ ../DistUpgrade/
Upgrading the repository information resulted in a invalid file so a bug reporting process is being started.
ترقية معلومات المستودعات أسفرت عن ملف غير صالح، لذلك يجري بدء عملية للإبلاغ عن العلّة.
Translated by Ibrahim Saed
Located in ../DistUpgrade/
Upgrading the repository information resulted in a invalid file. To report a bug install apport and then execute 'apport-bug ubuntu-release-upgrader'.
ترقية معلومات المستودعات أسفرت عن ملف غير صالح. للإبلاغ عن المشكلة ثبّت apport ثم نفّذ الأمر 'apport-bug ubuntu-release-upgrader' في الطرفية.
Translated and reviewed by Ibrahim Saed
Located in ../DistUpgrade/
Third party sources disabled
مصادر الأطراف الخارجية عُطّلت
Translated by Ibrahim Saed
Located in ../DistUpgrade/
4857 of 323 results

This translation is managed by Ubuntu Arabic Translators, assigned by Ubuntu Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: Ibrahim Saed, Mohamed Alaa, Zied Kallel, nofallyaqoo, محمد أحمد.