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© Copyright 2010 The Ubuntu Manual Team - some rights reserved
© Avtorske pravice 2010 Ekipa Priročnika za Ubuntu - nekatere pravice zadržane
Translated and reviewed by
Andrej Mernik
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All of our work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike
Vse naše delo je izdano pod licenco Creative Commons Priznanje avtorska Deljenje pod enakimi pogoji
Translated and reviewed by
Andrej Znidarsic
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Our project is an open source volunteer effort to create and maintain quality documentation for Ubuntu and its derivatives.
Naš projekt je odprtokoden in plod truda prostovoljcev, ki ustvarjajo in vzdržujejo kakovostno dokumentacijo za Ubuntu in njegove izpeljanke.
Translated and reviewed by
Andrej Mernik
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We were founded in 2009 by Benjamin Humphrey, who saw the need for targeted up-to-date and consistent documentation for the Ubuntu operating system.
Ustanovil nas je Benjamin Humphrey leta 2009, ki je videl potrebo po posodobljeni in dosledni dokumentaciji za operacijski sistem Ubuntu.
Translated and reviewed by
Andrej Znidarsic
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It didn’t take long until the project amassed hundreds of contributors, and what Benjamin originally envisioned became a reality as the Ubuntu Manual Project blossomed into an ambitious and successful project. We have a strong emphasis on just "getting things done" and therefore we have a fast-paced development environment filled with lots of unique ideas.
Ni trajalo dolgo, ko se je v projekt vključilo na stotine sodelavcev. Kar si je Benjamin na začetku predstavljal, je postalo resnično, saj se je projekt Priročnika za Ubuntu razcvetel v podjeten in uspešen projekt. Imamo močan poudarek na "kako napraviti stvari" in posledično imamo tudi hitro razvojno okolje zapolnjeno s številnimi edinstvenimi idejami.
Translated and reviewed by
Andrej Mernik
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Our mission is to provide a wide range of quality educational materials to lower the Linux barrier to entry for new users and in turn increase Ubuntu’s market share.
Naše poslanstvo je zagotoviti širok razpon kakovostnih izobraževalnih materialov, ki bi znižali pregrado vstopa v Linux za nove uporabnike in tako tudi povečati tržni delež Ubuntuja.
Translated and reviewed by
Andrej Mernik
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How you can help
Kako lahko pomagate
Translated and reviewed by
Andrej Mernik
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pages/about.php:22 pages/getinvolved.php:2
We are always looking for talented people to work with, and due to the size of the project we are fortunate to be able to cater for a wide range of skill sets:
Vedno iščemo nadarjene ljudi s katerimi bi sodelovali in glede na velikost projekta smo srečni, da lahko poskrbimo za širok nabor znanj:
Translated by
Andrej Mernik
Reviewed by
Andrej Znidarsic
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Authors, editors
Avtorji, uredniki
Translated and reviewed by
Andrej Mernik
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