This edition of <i>Getting Started with Ubuntu</i> is not yet available for proofreading.
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Quickshot - Help
Quickshot - Aida
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Xuacu Saturio
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Using Quickshot
Usar Quickshot
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Xuacu Saturio
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pages/quickshot-help.php:3 pages/quickshot.php:43
Quickshot can be found by clicking <b>Applications → Accessories → Quickshot</b>
Quickshot pue alcontrase calcando sobro <b>Aplicaciones → Accesorios → Quickshot</b>
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Xuacu Saturio
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You will then be guided through the process of setting up the Quickshot user. Once the Quickshot user is set up, you will switch to that user. This is done so that all screenshots captured on every computer, in every language, are consistent. It also makes removing Quickshot a simple process when you are done.
Agora vamos guia-y pel procesu de configuración del usuariu Quickshot. Cuando l'usuariu Quickshot tea configuráu, tendrá de camudar a esi usuariu. Esto ye col envís de que toles les semeyes tomaes en cada ordenador, y en cada idioma, seyan consistentes. Tamién fai qu'el desaniciu de Quickshot cuando tea fecho seya un procesu cenciellu.
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Xuacu Saturio
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Once you have logged in as the Quickshot user, your resolution will automatically be changed. If you have to change your resolution manually, please <a href="https://bugs.launchpad.net/quickshot">file a bug</a>. If the resolution is changed automatically but you don't see anything, you will be returned to the login screen after 15 seconds.
Llueu de coneutase como usuariu Quickshot, la resolución camudará automáticamente. Si tien que camudar la resolución de mou manual, por favor, <a href="https://bugs.launchpad.net/quickshot">informe del fallu</a>. Si la resolución camudó automáticamente pero nun ve nada, volverá a la pantalla d'aniciu de sesión en 15 segundos.
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Xuacu Saturio
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After your resolution has been correctly set, you can start taking screenshots. Quickshot will provide you with a list of screenshots that need to be captured. Click on one and review the description, then click <b>Next</b>. The capture window will present you with any steps you will need to perform to get the screenshot looking just right. Once you are happy, click <b>Capture</b>.
Tres de que la resolución se configure correutamente, pue comezar a sacar semeyes de pantalla. Quickshot presentará la llista de semeyes que falten por sacase. Calque sobro una y revise a descripción. Llueu calque <b>Siguiente<b>. La ventana de captura amosará-y los pasos que tien de dar pa que la semeya de pantalla apaeza correuta. Cuando tea preparáu, calque <b>Capturar</b>.
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Xuacu Saturio
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A three-second countdown will begin. Clicking the window you want to capture during this time, or activating a menu if instructed to do so by the steps, will ensure that the screenshot comes out looking right.
Principiará una cuenta atrás de trés segundos. Calcar na ventana que quier capturar demientres esi tiempu, o activar un menú si se-y indica eso nes instrucciones, asegurará que la semeya va vese correutamente.
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Xuacu Saturio
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After the three seconds elapse, the capture window will hide and you will see your screenshot in a preview window. Please make sure it looks the same as the example screenshot provided in the other tab, only in your language, then click <b>Upload</b>. The screenshot will automatically be sent to the Ubuntu Manual project for review and you can continue to go through the list.
Tres de que pasen los trés segundos, desapaecerá la ventana de captura y podrá ver la semeya de pantalla nuna ventana de previsualización. Compruebe que se paez a la semeya d'exemplu que sal na otra llingüeta, solo que na so llingua, y entós calque <b>Xubir</b>. La semeya de pantalla unviarase al proyeutu del Manual d'Ubuntu pa la so revisión, y podrá siguir cola llista.
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Xuacu Saturio
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If you realize you made a mistake while capturing a screenshot, just choose it again (screenshots you have submitted will appear at the end of the list). We will always look at the most recent screenshot first.
Se ve que tuvo un fallu al sacar una semeya de pantalla, namái vuelva a seleicionala (les semeyes qu'unvió apaecerán al final de la llista). Nós siempres miramos primero la semeya más reciente.
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Xuacu Saturio
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